Chapter 101: Vows

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Bakugo couldn't stand still. His foot was tapping rapidly in the sand of the Amphitheatre. The arena had been transformed overnight for the wedding and was barely recognizable. All the training dummies had been taken away, and the stands had been cleaned and decorated with ribbons of colourful silk and gossamer, dotted intermittently with garlands of flowers from the rainforest. All the guests were seated around the ring waiting for you to appear.

Deku and the mage arrived earlier with all your other mainland friends by way of a portal from the capital; that old healer from the lake was the one who created it because Ururaka, having never been to Kazan Island before, couldn't. He wondered when the old bat had been here, she was so ancient he assumed it was probably back when his grandfather was king, if not before.

He glanced at the pair of your best friends chattering nearby, they were sat next to Shinso and that guy you had called uncle, while the rest of the mainlanders you'd invited were gathered around them on the first two tiers closest to the alter. The newly crowned king of Hondo Island was among them. He wasn't best pleased to see the foreign king counted as one of your closest friends, but at least the Icy Hot bastard's attention seemed to be entirely focused on the black-haired chick at his side.

When they and the royal entourage arrived, he shook hands with Todoroki at the gates and greeted the king cordially as was expected of the Bakugo tribe's heir. After all, this was an opportunity to create good diplomatic relationships with their sister islands, and even if he still didn't like the guy, he had promised you he would try and be nice to your friends.

He was currently waiting under a large arch made of bamboo and fragrant birds of paradise. He remembered you'd liked the flower he'd given you in the capital and made sure to request these particular blooms for the wedding. Despite him not caring for extravagance or flashy displays of wealth, knowing Icy Hot would be coming made him keen to show the other king that he wasn't the only one who could afford the finer things in life. His groom suit was the perfect example, he was wearing a pair of fine white silk breeches and a brand-new red cape with a fresh pelt of desert lion mane around the collar. As usual his chest and arms were on display, showcasing the tattoos which told the tale of his many successes, and now also the scars of each trial he had recently overcome. He wore each as a badge of honor but the absence of one particular tattoo was now on his mind. He glanced at his bare finger where the band would soon be inked. Not long ago, he couldn't have cared less about earning that tattoo, but now he was about to get it his hand started shaking.

A laugh to his right brought him out of his musings, and he looked up at Eijiro who was talking to Sero, they were discussing plans for more dragons to come and join their ranks. After the war had strengthened the tribes' relationship with the fire drakes, talks were being held to initiate another generation of dragon riders and his captain was telling Kirishima how the young warriors were doing well with their training and would soon be ready for their blood bonding oaths.

He tried to zero in on their conversation, glad of the distraction from him nerves. Yes, nervous. That's exactly what he was, but he didn't know why. There was nothing left to be nervous about now, this was exactly what he wanted, what you wanted, and soon, finally, you would be his.

"Shhh, here she comes."

Katsuki's whole body went stiff as the crowd fell silent. He turned around, digging his heels into the sand, to see the bridal party slowly making their way down the stone steps towards him.


Mina was skipping ahead of you, throwing showers of fresh orange petals into your path while you walked down the central stairs towards the other end of the amphitheatre. The whole place looked amazing, there were tropical flowers everywhere and everyone was dressed so vibrantly.

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