Chapter 76: A storm is coming

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Everything was dark and there was an enormous weight pressing down on his chest making it hard to breath. Bakugo tried to suck in a deep breath to rouse his brain back into consciousness. His whole body was being crushed by something heavy and he couldn't move. He tried to open his eyes but felt a warm liquid trickling down his forehead into them, he turned his head as best he could and blinked to clear the substance from his blurred vision.

Everything was red, but it wasn't just because of the blood obstructing his sight, that's when he realized what was crushing him. "Kirishima!" He shouted at his dragon with his mind. "Kirishima! Wake up! What happened!?" Kirishima was unconscious, but still breathing; somehow, he had managed to maintain his dragon form even after passing out in order to protect him.

He remembered now; the ice dragon's fire had burned so hot that it had burned away Eijiro's armor-like scales and penetrated his flesh, wounding him deeply. His friend had turned over mid-air to shield him from a second attack before they had then fallen out of the sky.

Bakugo tried to free himself from Kirishima's tight grip, even unconscious as he was, his instincts were telling him to hold onto the prince in his hand. "Damn it, Kirishima, let go of me!" Katsuki shouted out loud as he kicked and struggled to free himself from the gold talons. After much wriggling and stretching, Bakugo eventually managed to worm his way out of the dragon's grip and crawl out from under him.

The icy chill of the north wind hit his exposed skin and made him shiver as he shuffled backwards in the deep snow. The soft white dunes came up to his knees as he stepped back to look at the hulking form of his friend. Kirishima was curled up in the mounds of snow that had gathered around him, and behind was a path gouged all the way down to the dark earth where the dragon had crash-landed after their battle.

No wonder, Bakugo thought as he looked at the sleeping beast. Eijiro was curled up in a tight, protective ball, like a cocoon, as his back rose and fell with low steady breaths; from his neck to his tail, each of his usually rock-hard red scales was blackened and crumbling. His crimson wings were in smoldering tatters and the scales that had taken the brunt of the flames were falling away to reveal raw bleeding flesh beneath.

What the hell was he supposed to do now? His dragon was unconscious and too injured to stand never mind fly. He was miles away from any civilization, not to mention the war he was supposed to be fighting, and the enemy he was fighting before they crashed had fled already. And on top of that... you were dead. His heart ripped open again as he remembered the look of acceptance on your face as you fell. How was he supposed to go on living without you?

He beat his fist against Kirishima's uninjured leg, tears freezing on his face as he cursed the messed-up situation he'd suddenly found himself in. What was he going to tell his mother? Not only had he lost you, but he'd also abandoned his duties as the dragon rider army's commander to rescue a foreign queen that had nothing to do with them or their tribe. He didn't even know if that mission was successful because he'd chased after the warlock in a blind rage and left the others to search for her in the collapsing castle alone.

The castle: he felt a lurch of guilt ripple through his stomach, that was his fault too. He had heard the rumbling below as the ice kingdom palace collapsed following the use of his explosion magic to fly after you. He knew it was his fault the building had started collapsing but right now he couldn't bring himself to care if the others had made it out okay.

He punched the dragons thick hide again. "Oi! Wake up you idiot! We can't just sit here!" He kicked him too. "Ei! WAKE THE HELL UP!" He sent an explosion at the dragons back foot, at the softer scales between his toes where he was more likely to feel it, and the dragon groaned.

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