Chapter 94: The long ride back

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After the dead had been laid to rest, it was time for the living to return home. Mount Lady had been the first to leave; as soon as the battlefield was cleared, she gave her men their orders and set of marching, taking the remaining forces of her uncle's clan back to the southern plains. She gave her condolences to Shoto and congratulated him on his impending coronation, before leaving early in the morning. She apologized for not being able to attend the ceremony in the capital, but she had the matter of her own kin's future to deal with, and besides, the city wasn't designed to accommodate someone of her stature within its walls. You'd smiled when you overheard Shoto say he would ensure that was something that was changed in the future.

Midoriya and Ururaka had already made their farewells too. As soon as Ochako had recovered her strength, she made a portal back to the south of the country, as close to the All Might Temple as she could get so they could lay the last God to rest along with his predecessors and inform the druid, Sir Night Eye, about what transpired on the frozen island. You made sure to give him his notebook back before he left and made him promise to invite you to their wedding as you gave them both a long tight hug. Izuku and Ochako both turned bright red when you boldly stated you expected to be their best man and maid of honor. The two instantly got flustered and started insisting that there was no plan for a wedding or even a proposal yet, they avoided all eye contact with each other and shifted uncomfortably as you laughed at how in sync they were. You knew there was no need for a formal announcement with those two, but you had a sneaking suspicion, that if you hadn't said anything, they would secretly elope without telling a soul. At least now they would feel guilty if they tried to get hitched without telling you beforehand, you thought as you stood in the warm afternoon sun watching the dragons shift and spread out to stretch their wings.

Mitsuki was preparing to lead the dragon riders back to Kazan Island along with the other dragons who had joined them. The other allied barbarian tribes had already set off to the ships on the north coast, escorted by Ida who was also tasked with returning the refugee citizens to their homes in the outer villages. The barbarian queen and the other riders who were able to fly, were almost ready to take to leave, and you were standing next to Katsuki to see them off.

"You sure you won't come back with us?" She asked the two of you as Sero mounted his dragon behind her and waved goodbye with a cheeky grin.

"Kirishima still isn't fit to fly, and we've got this stupid coronation to attend." Katsuki replied. He made it sound like returning to the capital was a chore he'd rather avoid, but it was he who had told his mother he would go in her place as a representative of the barbarian tribes.

You smiled and slipped your hand into his. He instinctively clasped your fingers without thinking and his mother smirked at him. You saw his cheeks burn red with embarrassment as he looked away from her knowing grin, but he broke eye contact and didn't say a word. Mitsuki stepped forward and pulled you both into a rib cracking hug.

"Hurry home, both of you. There'll be the grandest of feasts waiting, and all of your friends are welcome too!"

You could hear Katsuki grinding his teeth in irritation as you were pressed into her chest, but you were too busy basking in the warmth of motherly affection to worry that he might explode. You'd never had the chance to experience this sort of hug before. Inko never embraced you like this, not even when you were little. She was always respectful of boundaries, not wanting to take the place of your late mother. But that's not what this felt like. This was a welcome to the family hug and you felt the unspoken expectation behind it...

After returning to the mainland, you and Katsuki had barely had chance to speak to one another. You'd all been roped into various duties after Shoto's speech making preparations for the journey back to the capital; the injured all needed loading onto wagons, the tents had to be dismantled and packed away, and stock inventory checked etc. But now it was finally time to head south, and there was a long ride ahead of you back to the city, you were starting to feel the gravity of all the unspoken words you had yet to share with your barbarian since the battle in the darkness, least of which was your answer to his proposal...

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