Chapter 30: Farewell

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After breakfast you and Midoriya handed your letters to a servant to be sent by messenger pigeon to your parents, then headed outside to join everyone in front of the palace entrance.

The horses you had ridden from the southern outpost had been brought back out and loaded with food and camping supplies for your trip. You greeted the black stallion and Midoriya rubbed the nose of the brown mare. Ida was already seated on top of the grey mare in his full armor ready for departure.

"I have gathered all the new recruits I was able, by the main gates. We will begin heading north as soon as we join them."

You nodded to him, helping Ochako up onto the brown horse behind Izuku.

"That's good. How many people signed up?" You asked him out of curiosity.

He sighed, "Not as many as I'd hoped. With yourself, Midoriya and Ururaka that makes eight. But there's already plenty of other cadets at the barracks and of course the king's army is plenty strong as it is."

"That's not bad considering you only had a few hours." You smiled encouragingly at him. "And don't forget, we'll have the barbarians and dragons too."

You turned to look for your ashed haired prince and found him talking to Kirishima. Eijiro was stretching his arms over his head preparing to transform for their long journey. You walked over to the two and gave Kirishima a big hug.

"Thank you for agreeing to help fight this war, I know it can't be easy for you. I'm reluctant to fight on behalf of the king too, but I want to keep my village safe and everyone back on Kazan Island. You all made me feel at home there, it's the least I can do."

Kirisima flashed a smile at Bakugo over your shoulder as you held him tight, and he hugged you back before pulling away so he could see your face.

"To hell with the king and his son, we're gonna fight in this war for you, princess. I've already sworn an oath to protect Bakugo with my life, but I want you to know the same applies to you too."

"Thank you Eijiro. But please don't die," you giggled, "if you did, who'd help me deal with this hot head?" You looked over at Bakugo who was scowling at you and you both laughed out loud.

"Take care of him for me till you get back. I'll see you both in Heisha in a few days." You patted the dragon on the shoulder then turned to Bakugo. Kirishima sloped off to say goodbye to the others giving you a moment alone.



You both started to speak at the same time.

"You go first." Said Bakugo.

"I wish I could go back with you, but I have to look out for Izuku. I know you can take care of yourself," you winked at him, "but Midoriya, not so much just yet. If he's going to fight in this war, I want to make sure he's ready."

You looked down at your hands which you clenched into determined fists. Izuku wanted to get stronger and prove himself, and you'd do anything to help your friend realize that goal. Besides, you still wanted to know what this secret was he was hiding. It must be important.

"Yeah, I get that. Here, I want you to take this with you."

You looked back up as he dipped his head and took off the smaller of his necklaces. He leaned forward and fastened it around your neck; it was a chain of bright amber beads, some of which were elongated to look like fangs. You looked down at it and twiddled the beads in your fingers, they were warm from the contact with his skin, and you smiled.

"Thank you."

"Think of it as a promise, I will come back for you. And when this war is over, I'll make you another promise."

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