Chapter 73: Regrets

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You felt a strange sense of serenity as you fell through the sky; tears were blurring your vision while the deafening noise of the wind whipping past your eardrums dulled your other senses. The cold air made your skin tingle briefly before even that went numb and you could no longer feel anything at all as you plummeted to your death.

You had smiled at Bakugo before he disappeared from view; seeing the anguish on his beautiful face as you were once again taken away from him had broken your heart into dagger-like shards that pierced your very soul. You tried to convey all your love for him with the look in your eyes, wanting to tell him that everything would be okay; that he had to let you go and live on for the both of you, but as his figure grew smaller in the sky, your heart was filling with regret as you tried to accept this was the end for you.

You wished you'd had more time with the man you loved; you wished you had the chance to see him become king and form an alliance with Shoto. You hoped that the two princes and Izuku grow closer and that they would remain good friends as long as they lived. You wanted to see your best friends, Izuku and Ochako get married and have children, you hoped they had many, and that they would be happy together free from worry and hardship. You wanted Mina and Eijiro to be happy too, whatever happened to them, you hoped they wouldn't blame themselves for this. It wasn't their fault, you wished you could tell them that.

And Katsuki... the splintered shards of your heart dug deeper into your chest at this last thought. You hoped in time, he would move on and fall in love with someone else. Though it pained you that you wouldn't be the one to grow old with him, you wanted him to have a good life and be happy, even if it meant he would end up marrying someone else in the end. Whoever he picked, you were sure she would treat him right, you knew he would never marry someone unworthy of him and that gave you some semblance of comfort at least.

You closed your eyes to block out the falling tears that were freezing on your face as soon as they formed. You had been falling for what felt like forever now; you were sure it wouldn't be long until you hit the ground and death would take you to meet your mother. Another pang of regret. Your poor father... he had now lost his only daughter as well as his wife. You wouldn't even get to say goodbye and he would never know what had happened to you. A heavy sob escaped your chest as the thoughts of all those you were leaving behind filled your mind and you were swallowed into a vast pit of grief. You didn't want to die. Not yet. Please gods, you thought, I'll do anything to see them all again, just one last time.

A shadow fell over your closed eyes, was that the ground finally getting closer? You didn't dare open your eyes, you didn't want to see when you finally hit it. You took a deep breath and braced for impact.

A force unlike anything you had ever felt before crashed into you; it knocked all the wind from your lungs but there was no pain. Surely death was meant to be painful. And why were you still conscious? Had time come to a standstill? No, the air was still tossing your hair and you realized you were still breathing. So then, were you alive? But how? That impact should have killed you.

You opened your eyes slowly, to find yourself in the arms of a tall figure. You blinked, unable to believe your eyes. A broad blond man with glowing blue eyes and a bright, sparkling smile was holding you in his arms. He was looking ahead as you continued flying through the air, only now you were travelling horizontally and not vertically towards the ground.

"Aha! Tsuki, have no fear, for I am here, to save you!" His voice was deep but full of confidence and reassurance.

It couldn't be, surely not, but he looked like all the statues you had ever seen depicting his likeness... "A-all Might?"

"Indeed! It is I! Now hold on tight." He looked down as the trajectory of his movement changed and he braced for landing.

You scrunched your eyes shut again and threw your arms around his neck as he hit the ground and bent his knees to absorb the impact. The force with which his feet hit the ground sent waves of snow out in all directions and you felt the shockwaves ripple through his arms as you landed in a wide-open space on the icy tundra. He put you down gently and you sucked in a deep, steadying breath, trying to come to terms with the fact you were still alive and had been saved by a god.

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