Chapter 79: The god of darkness rises

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Katsuki's teeth were chattering uncontrollably. The snowstorm swirling around them had become unbearable; the icy gusts sliced at his exposed skin and sent a freezing chill through to his core. His fingers, desperately clutching his cape, were numb and his aching legs were struggling to carry him in a straight line as he continued to haul Kirishima through the thickening snow. With the weather as bad as it was, he'd lost sight of the dark structure he'd seen earlier, he prayed to the gods that he was still going in the right direction.

Kirishima had lost consciousness again, he knew this was a good thing, it meant his dragon was starting to heal himself, but he was still worried. He'd lost a lot of blood already and he was vulnerable while unconscious, unable to stand or defend himself should the need arise.

The ground under his feet shook. At first, he thought he'd imagined it, but then he felt it again and again a bit after that. It was an erratic tremor, nothing like an earthquake. He looked out into the distance trying to peer across the white flecked horizon to see if he could locate his destination. A brief break if the flurry allowed him to make out the dark mass he was aiming for, it wasn't too far away now, and the form of a large building was starting to take shape. Thank the gods, he'd almost made it. With renewed determination he shifted his grip on the cape his friend was laying on and began moving once again toward his target.

As he got closer, the earth-shaking tremors grew more prominent and he could hear the sounds of destruction that accompanied them, it sounded like two mountains were warring with one another, hurling great boulders of rock in a fierce battle. The dark structure he had seen before finally loomed into his field of vision and he saw a grand black marble temple; it was a complete contrast to the Temple of All Might on the mainland. This one was dark and foreboding, and the building was showing signs of neglect and ill maintenance. The loud sounds of destruction seemed to be coming from within its crumbling walls.

Katsuki scanned the building looking for its entrance; when he spotted it, he saw a pink figure crouched there, slumped at the edge of the huge archway. He hurried forward towards them.


The pink dragon lifted her head and gave him a small smile as she said weakly, "My prince... Since when do you call me Mina?"

He rolled his eyes, she was clearly injured, her left arm was wrapped in bandages and a brace; like Kirishima she'd been burned badly by the warlock's blue flames, but she didn't look as worse for wear as his best friend. He ignored her question and her eyes slid down to the cape he was holding. That's when she realized what he was carrying.

"Oh my gods! Eijiro!" The pink dragon jumped to her feet, forgetting her own injuries, and ran over to him dropping to her knees at Kirishima's side. Tears were flowing unbeckoned from her eyes as she took in the severity of his wounds and began gently stroking her hand down his cheek. "Oh Ei..." She whispered in a tender voice as she gazed at his sleeping form.

Bakugo watched this display of affection from the pink dragon, he'd never noticed anything between the two before, but it was clear to him now that she held feelings for Kirishima. He wondered if Eijiro even knew; if he did, he'd never said anything to the prince. Then again, his dragon rarely spoke to him about himself. He realized he knew next to nothing about his best friend's personal life. Another lump of guilt jammed in his throat. He'd have to rectify that. He was determined to appreciate the people he still had left. Life was too short to let pride and stubbornness get in the way of what matters. You'd taught him that. And now you were gone.

"What happened to the others?" He asked her, reluctantly breaking her away from her careful caresses of the dragon's face.

Mina sniffed and wiped her eyes free of the tears that had begun to settle on her cheeks. "I don't know what happened to the prince or the mage and other lady knight. But Midoriya is inside the temple, he and Tsuki went in there to fight the warlock king and the dark god with All Might."

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