Chapter 20: The City of Mutsufutsu

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Image: Capital City of Mutsufutsu

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Image: Capital City of Mutsufutsu

You woke up smiling the next morning as the sun's rays flitted through the gaps of the drapes surrounding your bed, the soft shafts of light sending golden rays scattering across the cotton sheets you were tangled in.

That was the best night's sleep you had had in forever, and to top it all off, last night you kissed a barbarian prince. The butterflies in your chest simply refused to subside, and you couldn't even pretend to go back to sleep now you were awake so you threw off the covers and got up.

You decided to be daring today. Still exuding confidence from last night's encounter, you pulled out the clothes Katsuki's mother had given you and dressed yourself in his native attire; you were glad the mages had cleaned them for you before you left the island, and hummed happily as you dressed.

You tied the chest bandages tight and shimmied into the silk trousers and gossamer top, smoothing out the creases that had formed from being folded in your bag, before tying the red satin laces of the shoes up your ankles and finishing them off with a neat bow. Finally, fastening the golden bracer you were now so accustomed to wearing on your arm, you threw the vibrant red cape over your shoulders and looked at yourself in the ornate mirror in your room.

Despite being accustomed to the scratchy wool and thick cotton of your old hunting clothes, you were starting to appreciate the delicate fabrics which the barbarians took so much care to make. The feel of the floaty material against your skin made you look and feel more confident. The way the silk hung from your hips and pooled at the cuffs, and the elegant flow of the cape when you moved... The colours too, were so vibrant and warming that you almost felt transported back to the Bakugo's village on Kazan Island as you stared at your own beaming reflection.

You twirled around to take in your appearance, catching a whiff of the coconut lotion that you had used on your hair the night before. Your tresses were soft and smooth, each strand seemed to dance on its own as you swayed from side to side. It felt like a waste to try it up into your usual style, so you tried something different; only braiding the top half of your hair behind your head this time, you left the lower lengths cascading over your shoulders where the tropical scent would catch your nose from time to time, reminding you of Katsuki. If you remembered correctly, you'd seen some girls in the Bakugo tribe with their hair styled similarly to this, and now you couldn't wait to see Katsuki's face when he saw it.

You practically skipped out onto the balcony when you were ready, intending to surprise him by knocking on his window, but it was already open. You peeked your head inside his room; he wasn't there. Pouting slightly, you went back inside your own room, assuming he must have woken early than you as usual and was probably checking in on Kirishima.

Slightly dismayed, you headed for the doorway to the hall, just about to turn the handle when a soft knock from the other side startled you. You opened it quickly only to be greeted by an equally startled servant. Oops, she probably weren't expecting you to answer that quickly. You apologised and she bowed deeply with her eyes cast demurely at the floor.

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