Chapter 90: After

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The warlock king was dead, and you had sent him to meet his mother on the other side. You knew his death, unlike the others, was a mercy killing rather than an execution sentence. The lost boy Shigaraki had once been, was now free from All for One's control and the child's redeemed soul could move on and be at peace.

You closed his eyes with your fingertips after the blood had stopped flowing from his neck, and you wiped your assassin blade clean on your cloak before retracting it back into its bracer. When you stood again and turned to your friends; everyone had somber expressions on their faces.

None of them felt like celebrating this win; too much had been lost. All Might being the first that crossed your mind. You looked around at the temple where his body lay amongst fragments of rubble scattered in the snow. It wouldn't be long before both the god of light and the god of darkness were once again forgotten by history and this place would cease to hold any significance in the world. But that was okay. Some things should be forgotten. You looked down at the dead warlock king, he still had the ice kingdom crown tangled in his hair.

You extracted it and put it in Midoriya's bag. His was the only one still with you all, the rest had been left back at the castle ruins when the fighting broke out. That all seemed like so long ago now. You supposed you should try and head back there, but first...

"We should bury him, and All Might." You said softly.

Midoriya nodded. "We can bury Shimura here. But I'm taking All Might back to the temple. He should be laid to rest with the other gods."

Nobody argued with him so, together, you began digging a trench in the snow against the last bit of the temple wall that was still standing. It was only half a meter high but would serve as a sort of headstone for the grave. When you'd finished, Bakugo lifted the body and carefully placed it in the hole. Ochako folded his arms across his chest and smoothed out his thin white hair to make it look as if he was sleeping, before you all pushed the snow back into the grave on top of him.

Izuku wrapped All Might in his own cloak, bundling him up with his head loosely in place, before all of you then looked at each other, silently conveying that you were ready to leave.

Mina hadn't transformed back out of her dragon form; despite her broken arm, she remained standing, protectively huddling over Kirishima who's torso was wrapped in lengths of torn fabric from various items of clothing. He hadn't woken up once since Ochako began healing him. You were sure that could only be a good thing, as you still felt the pain of Mina's injuries through your blood bond, you knew it was best that Eijiro and Katsuki were spared that same pain for as long as possible, but that only left two options for getting back to the mainland. Either Mina carried everyone on her back with a broken arm, or Ochako created a portal.

However, with All Might's body in tow, that meant there were 6 people for Mina to carry, two of which were just dead weight. On the other hand, Ochako had completely drained her magical stamina by keeping Kirishima from deaths door. So, neither were really in a fit state for such a journey.

"What do we do?" You asked. For once you couldn't call up a solution. Your mind was numb after everything that had happened, and your brain was too busy processing the traumatic events to think of a plan.

"Leave it to me." Midoriya placed his hand gently on top of your head and turned to Bakugo. "Look after them, I'll be back soon."

You looked at your best friend, puzzled, as he smiled and waved to you all. He bent his knees slightly and pushed off from the ground as if he were going to jump. And boy did he jump. He propelled himself into the air so fast that if you'd blinked, you would have missed it. Seconds later he was out of view and the rest of you were staring off into the sky after him.

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