Chapter 19: Royal Escort

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Image: The Royal Palace

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Image: The Royal Palace

You finally emerged from the Shadow Woods just as night was beginning to fall and the fortress city of Mutsufutsu loomed into view in the distance. Lights were twinkling like fireflies throughout the sloping streets  that led up to the castle at its peak and every building  visible over the towering walls spoke of the wealth of the population that lived here. For anyone who had never seen the capital before it was a sight to behold, and even though you had been here once before, you still felt awestruck as you looked up at the imposing settlement where most of the high born and wealthy nobles lived.

You glanced around at everyone else. Ochako looked as stary eyed as you expected; coming from Masegaki near your own hometown, you imagined she too wasn't used to such grandeur, and Midoriya was the same. Kirishima also looked impressed, but Ida looked happy to be home; you remembered him telling you his parents lived in the capital, you wondered how long it had been since he last saw his family. The one reaction you wanted to see though, you couldn't. With Bakugo sat right behind you, you weren't able to see his expression as you approached the drawbridge of the outer wall, only the underside of his chin was visible from this angle.

As much as you disliked feeling like a damsel incapable of riding her own horse, because of course Katsuki refused to let you take the reins, you were enjoying where you were right now. Practically seated in Katsuki's lap, with his strong arms caging you in on both sides; you felt a warm contentment wash over you as you leaned your head back against his chest and relaxed for a moment in his warmth.


Bakugo didn't think much of the city in front of him, he was more focused on the proximity between the two of you. He much preferred you riding in front of him where he could look at you without being conspicuous, although he still couldn't see your face when you were looking forward. which you usually were. 

But just as he was thinking this, he felt you lean back and press your head against his chest. He couldn't help himself, he quickly stole a glance at you when he heard a soft sigh escape your lips; your eyes were closed and a content smile was lifting your rosy cheeks. His stomach fluttered and he couldn't look away; he was captivated by your soft features and smooth skin, even with your eyes closed he thought you were beautiful. He hadn't noticed before, but you had a small scattering of freckles across the bridge of your nose; had they always been there or were they a result of the time you had spent with him on Kazan Island? Either way, he liked them. You opened your eyes again and he quickly looked ahead, trying to pretend he hadn't just been staring intently at you.


Thinking about the reason you were making the journey to the capital, you lifted your head and glanced over at Izuku again; after his leg was injured, he was now sharing a horse with Ochako, who had insisted on keeping an eye on his wound. She was sat behind him, holding his waist awkwardly and he was blushing furiously from the contact. You had to stifle the urge to giggle again but a happy smile tugged at your lips regardless, which you couldn't hide no matter how much you tried.

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