Chapter 36: Familial Bonds

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The black-haired man stood in the doorway for a couple of seconds, his blood shot tired eyes unblinking as he stared at you in shock. After a moment Shinso spoke and broke the tension.

"Aizawa sensei, this is Tsuki Ryoshi, the hunter I told you about. She's come to train with us." He looked at his mentor slightly puzzled then back at you. You hadn't broken eye contact with the man stood before you.

Aizawa shook his head and looked at the ground in a slight bow. "Forgive me, you look very similar to someone I know."

You didn't look away from him, Yua wasn't a very common name. You couldn't stop the next few words falling from your lips.

"How do you know my mother?"

You had no doubt that's who he thought you were, everyone in the village had told you how much you looked like her. The tall man before you looked at you again with clearer eyes, he stepped forward, his bag forgotten on the floor.

"Your mother?"

"My mother's name was Yua, yes. My father's name is Yudai."

Mr Aizawa fell into a chair at the table, placing his face in his hands, still not fully grasping the reality of the vision in front of him.

"Wait," he said finally, raising his head from his palms and looking at you again. "You said was?"

It was now your turn to look down at your hands, you weren't sure how he knew your mother, but clearly, he didn't know she was long since dead. You had no idea how he would react to the news, but you'd have to tell him.

"Yes, she, she passed away when I was born." You clasped your hands in your lap, not wanting to look up at the man's face, unsure what level of emotion you would read on his shadowed features.

The room was quiet, Shinso went to pick up Aizawa's bag and close the door as the two of you sat in silence, him processing what you had said, and you still unwilling to look at his face. That is until he spoke, and your head snapped up on surprise.

"She was my older sister." His voice was deep and steady, but you looked into his eyes and saw a sadness in them even if the rest of his face didn't show the emotion.

"Your sister?" You blinked at him, and he slowly nodded his head.

"We grew up here, together. She was an exceptionally talented assassin. But I haven't seen her since she left 20 years ago."

His words swirled like fog around your mind, one word standing out in particular. "Hold up," you said shaking your head and putting your hands up defensively. "My mother was an assassin?!"

"The best we ever had. I was just a kid when she left, she wasn't much older than you are now. I remember that night so clearly." He said in a low voice. "I'd woken up to find her putting clothes in a bag; she swung it over her shoulder, kissed me on the head and winked as she stepped out the door." He smirked a little, "I ran to the window to see where she was going as she slid down a rope to the ground and climbed on the back of a horse with a young man. She looked up and waved to me before they disappeared into the night."

You were speechless, not only was your mother an assassin, but she ran away from home to elope?

Aizawa studied your face, "I guess that must have been your father. Yudai, did you say?"

You swallowed, unable to speak so you simply nodded in response.

"I see, well I hope she was happy at least." He stood up, taking his bag from Shinso's loose grip. "It's been a long day, I'm going to turn in. You two should get some rest too, if you're here to train, you'll need it."

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