Chapter 31: Uninvite Guests

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Image: The Lonely Mountains

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Image: The Lonely Mountains

10 Years ago

A young boy with white hair climbed down a rope from the castle window, he looked back up to see blue flames and smoke emanating from the room he was leaving. The screams of the stable boy he'd tied up inside reached his ears and reverberated inside his brain, but he felt nothing. Nothing but anger and hatred and pain.

When he reached the ground, he set the rope ablaze to hide the evidence of his escape, blue flames emitted from his hand engulfing the fraying fibers until they became naught but ash drifting away in the evening breeze.

He turned away from the blazing building and ran. He winced in pain as he reached the tree line near the gate, his whole body hurt, his arms and legs and most of his face were burnt beyond recognition but there was nothing he could do now except get away.

All the guards from the gatehouse had left their posts to attend to the inferno he'd created, allowing him to slip out of the castle grounds unseen. He fled through the gate and ran down a darkened side street, lifting the hood of his cloak to cover his striking hair and pulled it close around himself to hide his burns. He stuck to the shadows of the back streets, making his way stealthily through the city. It was late and there weren't many people around, but he noticed a wagon near a food merchants' being loaded up, and he hovered around listening to the men stocking the truck.

"Hurry up Gin, if we don't set off soon, we won't reach the northern outpost on time." Said a portly man with a large belly and balding head.

"I know, I know. Nearly done. Just one more bag of grains left I think." A tall guy with broad shoulders and thick dark hair said throwing a large sack of rice into the back of the wagon from his shoulder.

The white-haired boy waited until the men had finished loading and the two of them climbed up onto the front of the wagon ready to depart. Just as the horses started to move, he ran forward and clambered into the back of the truck through the lose flap of fabric on the back. He nestled himself down between the bags of produce and relaxed at last. He'd made it. He was leaving the capital, and with it, the father he so despised. Soon he fell asleep despite his painful sores, too exhausted to feel them anymore.

When he woke, it was to the wagon jolting over a rock in the road. He looked out of the curtain on the back; he was far from the city now. The landscape was flat, and fields bordered the road on both sides. They were probably past Kamino now. He moved further back into the wagon and found a bag of apples; he ate one and then rummaged through the sacks until he came across some cured meat to chew on and a small wheel of cheese which he took a few bites of, before settling down again under his cloak.

It felt like he'd been in the wagon forever, but eventually they made their way through the city of Hosu and out the other side. When he could see the peaks of the lonely mountains in the distance, he decided this was far enough. He didn't actually want to go as far as the Military base at the outpost and if he waited any longer, he might get caught. So, he grabbed a few supplies, as much as he could carry, and jumped down out of the wagon.

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