Chapter 84: Come back to me

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Midoriya had explained briefly what had happened at the temple as they flew through the air. Ochako had heard him call for someone called Nana to lend him their power. She had no idea who he was talking to, and he said there was no time to explain everything. But she could tell he had changed.

He was brimming with calm confidence, and he didn't seem unsure anymore. It was as if he knew everything was going to be okay, that he was going to win this time. How, she still wasn't sure, but his soft voice and bright smile filled her with a sense of hope and assured her that he was telling the truth when he said everything was going to be okay.

As they neared the ruined temple dedicated to the god of darkness, Ochako looked down at the scene below. Black marble rubble littered the ground in every direction, spread out from the centre of the action. It was clear a huge explosion had blown the building apart from the inside out and on the patch of remaining marble floor at its centre, was one figure and a shadow stood observing the battle that was raging in front of them as two other people ran at each other, locked in fierce combat.

You and Bakugo were charging at one another, dealing blow after heavy blow, neither seemed to be relenting or backing down and the mage found it hard to watch. She scanned the area for the other members of their little group and with difficultly managed to spot them.

"Over there!" She pointed at the two dragons lying in the snow. It was hard to make them out because the snow picked up by the storm had almost buried them completely.

Midoriya kicked his foot in the opposite direction, releasing a small burst of energy to adjust his trajectory before falling carefully out of the sky in front of them. Ochako braced herself for impact with the floor, but there wasn't any. When their movements had stopped, she opened her eyes and looked down at Izuku's feet. They were floating just off the floor making them hover above the snow-covered ground.

"How are you doing that?" She asked astonished as he gently slid her onto her feet.

"That's not important right now. You have to heal them; they need your help." He indicated the two figures tucked under the frozen blanket of fallen snow and she nodded.

Right, she had a job to do. She slapped her hands harshly on her cheeks and turned to see to the injured dragons. Both of them were unconscious, and the burns on their bodies were serious. Healing them was going to take a lot of stamina. It was a good job Midoirya had somehow managed to fly them here; if they'd walked, they might not have made it in time, and if she'd used her own levitation magic, she'd have been too drained by now to help both of them.

She quickly glanced back at Izuku who was now floating across the surface of the snow towards the fighting pair of his friends before turning back to the dragons, he was counting on her to heal them, and she wasn't going to let him down.


Bakugo was losing strength. You'd kept up a relentless pace in your attacks; if he wasn't the one fighting against you, he'd have marveled at your speed and stamina. However, being on the receiving end of such skill and ferocity didn't allow him a moments rest. It was taking all of his concentration just to avoid your dual daggers.

Earlier he'd managed to knock your sword out of your hand, but he'd also lost one of his own in the process. The loss of your main weapon hadn't hindered you in the slightest though. You wasted no time in pulling your assassin tools from their sheaths and kept pressing forward so he couldn't retrieve his own blade.

He knew the warlock king was stood nearby, but he hadn't made a move to attack them. He guessed the bastard was just enjoying the show which only added fuel to the burning fire of hatred in his gut.

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