Chapter 69: True love takes perseverance

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Mitsuki had taken to the skies once again. After reaching Kamino with the giants and rejoining captain Sero and the dragon riders, she ordered everyone to take a short break and tend to their wounds. Mount lady had kindly offered to carry them all on her and her men's shoulders after they patched themselves up, allowing the dragons to rest too while continuing to move forward. But now they were nearly at the front lines, it was time to take to the air once again.

Much like herself, the giantess seemed to have taken it as a personal failure that they hadn't reached the town in time. She didn't know what reasoning the tall woman had, but for the queen, it was that she hadn't come up with a good enough plan in time. If only Masaru were with them, he was always the one who thought more clearly and was able to form successful strategies even under great pressure. She knew that's where Katsuki got his brains from, and she couldn't be prouder of the man their son was becoming. But she wished they were both back on their own island where he could court you properly.

She sighed as her steed brought her closer to the fighting they could see in the distance. She was getting too old to be charging into battle like this. She knew she didn't look it, but she was nearly 40 years old now. Far from the spring chicken she was when she and Masaru were finally married.

It had taken months of pursuing and many tricks and traps in order to secure the husband she wanted; she couldn't help but smile as she thought back on how she wore him down and he eventually agreed to her proposal.

She was 17 and finally old enough to pick a husband for herself. She was even more strikingly beautiful back then, and she wasn't short of suitors. Much like her son, she was hounded day and night by the eligible candidates of their tribe and every other tribe on the island.

Though her father had wanted her to marry the son of one of the other tribal leaders to ensure their continued loyalty, she refused to marry someone she didn't love. And the boy her father had in mind was none other than Yo Shindo's late father. She disliked him the most; he was arrogant, not unlike herself at the time, but worst of all he was overly ambitious. He'd boasted about how he would be the one to unite all the tribes under one banner and rule over all of them.

But Mitsuki knew that would only end in war. The barbarians weren't meant to be controlled in such a way, that was why their ancestors had split away from the mainland in the first place. Their way of life could only be preserved by maintaining balance and a healthy rivalry between each tribe. And nobody understood that better than Masaru, being an orphan of one such conflict.

He was 4 years older than her, and she would watch him train by himself every day as a young girl. Being the princess of her tribe, she of course wasn't supposed to be trained in combat, though it wasn't because she was a girl. All the other girls her age were trained from a young age, just like the boys. It was only because she was the king's daughter and her father had decided he didn't want her to fight in any battles in case she got hurt.

She argued with him constantly about it and would often sneak out to the amphitheatre late at night to practice by herself. But Masaru would always be there too. He wasn't the best warrior his age, but he practiced every night to improve. When she started joining his late-night sparring sessions, he would watch her struggle with her form and movements, and he eventually agreed to help her as long as she kept it a secret. Which of course she did.

For years they would practice together in secret, she grew stronger, and he grew taller and more handsome. When he turned 15 and was allowed to join battles, she missed him terribly. But he always came back and would tell her stories of the fights, sometimes while she tended to the wounds he'd acquired. He was her best friend and she admired him more than anyone, even her own father. She had no idea when exactly it was she first fell in love with him, but as she got older and he became their new commander she couldn't picture herself with anyone else.

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