Chapter 11: Clash of the Giants

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Image: Giant Territory (general idea, not a desert, just a barren wasteland where nothing grows)

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Image: Giant Territory (general idea, not a desert, just a barren wasteland where nothing grows)

With the sun still barely over the horizon, the dragon riders dropped lower in the sky. The battle below had pushed further south since Bakugo and Kirishima last flew over the plains of the mainland. The hordes of giants led by Gigantomachia had pushed Mount Lady and her tribe to the brink of the cliffs on the south coast.

The useless mainland knights from the southern outpost were few in number and were barely helping at all. The king's army were scarcely able to hold formation around their own fortress, and many appeared to be wounded already. Bakugo didn't know why they even bothered trying to fight these monsters, they were clearly ill-equipped to deal with giants and if it wasn't for their archers and the two ballistas they were operating, they wouldn't stand a chance.  

"This is bad." Said Kirishima, his thoughts echoing Bakugo's own.

"Tell me about it!" Bakugo replied, he turned to look at you over his shoulder.

You'd pulled away from him, and were readying your bow; shuffling on Kirishima's back to get used to balancing on your own so you could fire your weapon. Your bag seemed to be hindering your balance and was dragging you to one side. He heard you grumble and swear at it before pulling it off you and holding it out to him.

"Here, hold this for me, I can't shoot with it weighing on me like this."

You sounded commanding and he bristled at being told what to do, but he conceded that you'd be more useful without it, and he was strong enough that it wouldn't hold him back; so he slung it over his own shoulder and nodded at you before leaning forward, almost lying flat as he prepared to dive.

"Ready?" he called to you.

"Ready!" You shouted back.

"Now Eijiro! Dive!"


You dug your knees and heels into the scaly flesh beneath you, holding your breath as you notched your first arrow. You were terrified of falling off, but you had to have faith that these two knew what they were doing. You told yourself you'd be fine and raised your bow ready to loose your first arrow.

Kirishima let out a deafening roar and began plummeting to the ground closely followed by the other riders as their dragons fell from the sky towards the battlefield. Your stomach shot into your throat and your veins filled with adrenaline as the rush of war flooded your system. There was no time to panic or fret about falling, because seconds later you were right in the thick of it.

The mountain giants were easy to tell apart from the plain giants you were supposed to be helping. They barely resembled humans anymore, their skin was sallow and cracked like tree bark and they, like the ogres in the forest, favoured more crude weaponry like clubs and sharpened spears made of wood. The only reason they were winning so far seemed to be due to their larger numbers and seemingly ferocious nature. 

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