Chapter 83: Vestiges

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Authors Note: Sorry, meant to add a **SPOILER WARNING** here when I uploaded this chapter and completely forgot. 

If you're like me and only watch the Anime, by the end of series 5 (when I wrote this) we only knew 2 of the 6 additional quirks of OFA. Those being blackwhip and float. In order to write the rest of this story, I researched on Wikifandom what the others were (because clearly I love torturing myself with spoilers for the sake of my own story's credibility :'-)) Anyway, all the quirks mentioned here are canon except the 2nd users power which is still unknown, which actually worked out perfectly for my story because it meant I could invent one that fit my story! Yeahy! 

So yeah, the second users power is not canon, (wouldn't it be crazy if I predicted it right  though?) but the rest are. So sorry if you didn't want to know this before series 6 comes out.


Izuku blinked, everything around him was black and he couldn't feel his body. Was he stuck inside Kurogiri's prison again? No, he looked down at his torso and sure enough it was shrouded in mist, but it wasn't Kurogiri's. He lifted his arms to his face, he could see his right hand, but everything else was coated in dark wisps of ethereal ether.


He raised his head again at the soft voice calling his name again. Standing before him was a frail looking man with long white hair and intense green eyes that seemed to stare directly into his soul. Izuku blinked. Where was he? He tried to look around, but he couldn't make anything out. Then, out of the darkness behind this thin man stepped seven other characters. Some of them were vaguely familiar. They were reminiscent of their likenesses carved in marble on the tombs back at the temple. The older ones seemed to be faded in appearance, but one of the figures closest to him had a very familiar silhouette, one that wasn't in the underground chamber he'd visited with the druid. The tall yellow figure was glowing the brightest of everyone here and had dark hooded eyes and floppy golden hair. Was that... All Might?

"Midoriya, finally we meet." Izuku's eyes were drawn back to the white-haired figure in front of him. He was smiling softly, though his face looked grave.

"Whe- where am I?" He asked, but he couldn't hear his own voice. He brought his hand up to his mouth, to find it covered in mist.

"We're inside the subconscious realm. I'm Yoichi Shigaraki. That was my older brother you were just fighting."

Midoriya blinked slowly as realization dawned. "Then you're all..."

Despite his lack of speech, the man before him seemed to understand his thoughts. "That's right, we're the previous holders of One for All. I believe people now refer to us as gods, though it was never my intention to hold such a title I assure you. It was simply my wish to bring peace to the world and end my brother's tyranny." Midoriya looked over Yoichi's shoulder at the other predecessors. They were getting closer, surrounding the first wielder like disciples.

Izuku's heart felt heavy. All these people had lost their lives fighting against All for One, they were counting on him to bring down the god of darkness, but he had failed too... Wait, was he dead? Is that why he was here? Was he joining the ghosts of the previous users in the afterlife?

"No." Yoichi answered his unspoken question. "You're not dead. We're the vestiges contained within the power of One for All. We're able to speak like this because the core of One for All has now completely fused with your own selfless spirit. You're desire to protect people and your strong sense of justice has helped solidify the power given you. Now we're connected, you'll be able to utilize the full extent of One for All."

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