Chapter 102: Mine at last

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Your finger was painful. You were sat at the feast table next to your glowing husband as you looked down at your first official tribe tattoo. It had hurt a lot as the artist pricked your skin over and over with the ink-soaked needle, but the end result was worth it. The intricate band wrapping around your finger matched the one Katsuki now wore on his left hand and the bands told everyone you belonged to each other.

After you'd finished with the official proceedings that followed the ceremony, you were swarmed by all your friends who were eager to congratulate you and see the ring on your finger. You displayed the tattoo proudly and smiled as everyone commented on how beautiful you looked. Even some of the barbarians you didn't know came over to speak to you from the other tribes.

One such person was a young man with black hair from the tribe dressed in green. He introduced himself as their leader, Yo Shindo and held out a friendly hand for you to shake, that is until Katsuki stood up next to you and threatened to kill him if he so much as thought about touching you. The death glare he gave the other tribal leader made you think another challenge might be in the making, but Shindo dropped his hand with a small smile and walked away without rising to Katsuki's bait.

"What was all that about?" You asked.

"Nothing. Just, watch out for him, alright?" He said sitting back down before nestling his head in the cruck of your neck. "Anyway, it's almost time..." He said softly.

"Almost time for what?"

He stood up again and you turned to see a heated smirk pulling at his lips. "Time for our dance."

Your heart leaped into your throat. Crap. You'd almost forgotten about the stupid seduction dance... Oh gods.

You looked around at all the people who were drinking and chatting merrily, many of them were rosy cheeked and drunk already. Your father and uncle Aizawa were sat together at a table across from yours talking like old friends as they slurred their words and swayed from side to side. You glanced at the next table, where Shoto was sat kissing Yaoyorozu's hand with a faraway look in his eyes and Ochako had her eyes half closed, leaning her head on Izuku's shoulder; both of them looked ready to fall asleep. None of them had been able to resist the sweetness of the barbarian wine and you were glad that even Ida had had more than enough to start dozing off in the corner while Hatsume sat tinkering with some mechanical device in her hand.

Nobody seemed to be paying any attention to the pair of you as Katsuki pulled you to your feet and gently tugged you to the circle around the campfire. He nodded to the men playing music in the background and they gradually picked up the rhythm of the beat, bringing it to the pace you were meant to perform this dance to.

Your heart was thumping erratically, and you couldn't control your breathing. Katsuki bent down and whispered in your ear as his hands landed on your waist, "Relax. Nobody's watching. Just look at me and pretend we're back at the hot springs."

Easy for him to say, you thought looking up into his eyes, suddenly feeling lightheaded as the molten red in them swam in your vision. You too had had a bit to drink, but you were now so on edge with nerves that the effect of the alcohol seemed to be draining out of you and anxiety was creeping into your chest in its place. It only just occurred to you, this is exactly what Katsuki had done, drinking two consecutive glasses of wine and brandy before his re-proposal to you. He must have been nervous back then too.

You took a deep steadying breath, and your vision came back into focus. Knowing that even the great Katsuki Bakugo had been shaken enough to turn to alcohol, gave you the little extra push you needed to start swaying your hips. You slowly twisted your waist, getting a feel for the music; bending you knees to dip down to the floor in front of him before rolling your hips from side to side as you snaked back up his legs. Recalling all the moves he'd taught you from his seat under the water at the hot springs, your muscle memory took over as you pictured the heated look in his eyes back then and your body began to flow through the movements without any further conscious thought.

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