Chapter 74: Arch nemesis

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All Might led the way as the three of you entered a large open hall in the middle of the temple. It was dark everywhere apart from a thin strand of light emanating from the other end of the room where two stone plinths were laid out next to one another. They looked like marble tombs sat atop a raised alter, but the figures laid out on top didn't appear to be dead.

The thin strand of light you had seen earlier was connecting the two stationary bodies by their wrists. Stood between them, illuminated by the faint light of the tether, was a third figure who was chanting a spell. The light seemed to pulse and undulate in front of him, rippling along its length from the larger figure to the smaller one as if something were being passed between them.

You raised your bow and aimed at the chanting figure; whatever was going on here, it wasn't good, and you had to stop it. Your target hadn't spotted you yet, so you had the upper hand. You didn't hesitate; you steadied your breathing and let loose. Your arrow flew silently through the air towards the chanting man, but it was met by a dark shimmering portal that sent the projectile hurtling back towards you.

You froze, caught off guard, but Midoryia jumped in front of you just in time to slice the arrow out of the air. Damn it, you'd forgotten about that portal creating demon. His shadowy form was so black you could barely see him in the darkness; if it weren't for his glowing yellow eyes, you would have missed him entirely. You took off your bow and quiver, they would be no use here with that demon guarding their targets. You threw them on the ground with your cape and drew your assassin daggers instead.

"Forgive the intrusion, Doctor, but I cannot allow you to finish that spell." All Might's booming voice echoed around the hollow hall. Until now, that deep voice had filled you with a sense of comfort and hope, but now you were hearing it directed at your enemies, it sent a chilling sense of dread down your spine. You were glad the god was on your side.

In the blink of an eye, All Might shot forward faster than one of your arrows, and his fist was inches from connecting with the warlock doctor's face when it was met with an obstruction. He was being stopped by a giant fist attached to an immense arm; the larger of the two figures on the plinths had raised his right arm, which had swollen to an unimaginable size to block All Might's attack.

"All Might... I'd like to say what a pleasant surprise... but of course I'd be lying. Your presence has never been a pleasant one and I am not surprised to find you have come to try and stop me yet again."

All Might stepped backwards and retracted his fist as the larger figure sat up and his arm shrunk back to its normal size. "All for One... You know, I could say the same to you. Maybe if you stopped trying to rule over the world for once you could be spared from my presence."

The large figure tilted his head, and you could see his face, or what was left of it. A mass of scar tissue was stretched across his empty eye sockets rendering him blind, though he didn't seem to have a problem seeing where each of you stood as he laughed and faced the direction in which you and Midoriya were poised ready to attack.

"You know I'd never do that All Might, it's my dream you see. I'll never give up on my dream... Isn't that what you and your predecessors preach?" He chuckled, a soft low sound. "I see you've brought your successor with you..." He looked at Midoriya; though he had no eyes to speak of, you could tell he was studying the boy stood next to you and the cruel grin that stretched across his grotesque face unnerved you. "What a coincidence, I brought mine too..."

All for One lifted his wrist, bound by the pulsing sting of light, making the tether stretch out to show it was connected to the thin young man next to him. "Wake up Tomura. We have guests." He called softly and snapped his fingers.

The figure next to him woke and began raising its head; the smaller man had blood shot, red eyes hidden beneath long messy white hair, and there, nestled in the tangle of his hair was a sliver crown adorned with diamonds and blue sapphires. So, this must be the so-called warlock king.

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