Chapter 52: Progress

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Back at the main courtyard, Ida informed them of their allocated regiments.

Unsurprisingly, Mineta and Aoyama were assigned to the rear guard who concentrated on defensive measures, where they could improve their ranged attacks, having next to no combat abilities.

Kaminari was sent to the third battalion who also specialized in ranged attacks but were more focused on offensive techniques and would help improve his close-combat skills too.

Koda and Ochako (at her request) were assigned to the second battalion who worked on defensive sword skills and hand to hand combat using ranged attacks as a backup.

Sato and Shoto were sent to the first battalion who would likely be on the front lines, where offensive combat abilities were paramount.

Ida seemed to stall when giving Izuku his assignment. "Midoriya, you scored highest in the ranged skills. However, like Ochako, I imagine you would rather be more involved in fighting, and I have seen firsthand your skills with a sword when combined with your magic. Therefore, I believe it prudent to assign you to the first battalion. Although, if you would rather join Kaminari in the third battalion, I can arrange that."

"No, I want to fight. The first battalion is where I should be. Thank you." Izuku was sure he would be able to improve best with this group and he needed to get stronger quickly.

"Very well, Mineta, Aoyama, please report to Sargent Thirteen. Koda and Ururaka you will be under Sargent Gunhead. Kaminari, you'll be trained by Lieutenant Snipe and the rest of you will be under Captain Amajiki. The Commander also likes to train the first battalion recruits so be prepared for some intense hand to hand combat training."

"Yes Sir!" Everyone saluted and stood to attention.

"One last thing before you go. I will be leaving this afternoon to rejoin the main troops heading north. So, it is unlikely we will see each other again until we meet on the battlefield. So, I must say goodbye to you all, it has been a pleasure. Good luck out there, may the gods be with you all. You are dismissed."

"Sir!" Everyone chanted.

Ururaka and Izuku looked worried. They considered Ida a good friend now; they hadn't expected him to leave the trainees once they arrived here. As the other recruits began splitting off to their various postings, the two lingered behind.

"Ida..." Izuku didn't know what to say to the knight.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Work hard and I'll see you again on the other side. Right?" He said with a smile, pushing his glasses up his nose.

Izuku smiled back at him sadly. "Yeah, right! We'll do our best!"

"That's all I ask for. Farewell, my friends."

And with that he turned to leave. Ochako hurried up to Koda heading to the second battalion and Midoriya caught up with Sato and Shoto as they made their way to the first battalion.


The first battalion's training area was on the northern side of the training grounds. The area was very exposed to the elements, only having the external perimeter walls to guard against the brutal northern winds. It was strange to think it was already May. This far north it still felt like the beginning of spring.

Back at home, the Beast's Forest would be in the early stages of summer bloom. The snow drops would be withering, and the forget-me-nots would be carpeting the undergrowth in a wonderful sea of purple. Even the lone cherry blossom in the middle of the village would be standing proud, adorned by a mass of delicate pink petals. He sorely missed home and wished he could go back to his old quiet life in the village with you, but now he had a duty to uphold, and he had to be strong. He was responsible for the safety of his whole country and its people, and the closer they came to this war, the heavier that responsibility was starting to weigh on his shoulders.

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