Chapter 60: Conviction

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"You've pushed yourself too far, Tomura."

The deep voice of his master broke through his slumber and woke him. Shigaraki opened his eyes to the darkened room. A tall shadow stood beside his bed.

"Don't be too hasty, we have all the time in the world." He spoke again in that calm quiet voice.

Shigaraki tried to sit up, but his body was weak from exertion. "What's the point in waiting? I want to bring the world to its knees now."

The shadow moved towards the window, moonlight fell upon his features, illuminating the fatherly smile on his marred face. The tight skin that covered his eye sockets a constant reminder of his past failure, but it would be different this time. All for One turned back to his young successor. He was still such a child. Only caring about destruction with no vision for the future.

"And what will you do when the world has crumbled as you planned?" Shigaraki didn't have an answer for his master. Just as the god had expected.

"It is true you must destroy the present to make way for the future. But if you don't have a goal in mind then you have no conviction. And without conviction there can be no victory."

He picked up the ice kings crown that Tomura had taken to wearing. A relic of another time he had tried to sway the course of history. But once again his plan had failed. The self-appointed beacon of hope, All Might had intervened as the current wielder of One for All and allowed the wretched fire king to win the war he had so meticulously planned out. He placed the crown back on the table and tried to school his ward.

"So, I'll ask again, what do you see in your future?"

Shigaraki considered this question for a moment. What he hated above all else was people. People being happy and carefree while others suffered.

"I want to rule a world where people aren't so carefree all the time, where nobody smiles as if nothing can hurt them. A world where it doesn't matter who you are or where you were born, as long as you're strong enough to take what you want, you can have it."

"And how are you going to make this future a reality?" All for One asked his student.

"By destroying the king and his armies."

"Ah, but who controls the king?"

Shigaraki thought. What did his master mean? Who was above the king?

"The gods?"


"But gods can't be killed, can they?" Tomura asked.

All for One leaned closer to his protégée and whispered in his ear.

"I'll let you in on a little secret. There are only two gods left alive in this world. I am one, and it is true I may well be immortal; however, the other is far more human than you might think. Do you know who he is?"

"All Might."

"Correct, the symbol of peace himself. So now, tell me again, who is it you must destroy to bring about the future you have envisioned?"

Tomura grinned a wicked grin. "All Might must die."

All for One stood back up and smiled.

"And so he will. It won't be long now. Get some rest. Gigantomachia should be reaching his first destination soon."

And with that the dark god vanished into the darkness.


Mitsuki had sent a scout ahead to track Gigantomachia's progress, he and his hordes had a full day's head start on them and she wanted to catch up as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, the giants could only travel as fast as the terrain allowed and after two days of heavy rainfall, the ground was soft underfoot causing their large feet to slip in the mud and hinder their progress.

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