Chapter 46: Touch and go

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Time seemed to slow to a crawl, Toga melted back to herself in Bakugo's arms, and you could see the expression on his face change from cool and uncaring to one of shock and pain. When she pulled away from him, blood began to spill from his mouth as he brought his hands up to a gaping hole in his chest. He fell to his knees as the witch ran away with a river of red pouring through his fingers.

Mina ran after Toga towards the portal in the trees, while you struggled under Kirishima who was frozen with shock at the sight of all the blood.

"Eijiro! Snap out of it! Get off me!" You pleaded with the red head still pinning you down. "He's going to die if you don't move!"

Kirishima shook his head and came to his senses. He released you and you scrambled to your feet running towards your blood-soaked prince. Bakugo was slumped forward over his knees, but you pushed him back onto his back, moving his hands out of the way so you could put pressure on the wound. You tore off a wad of his red cape and balled it up to press against his chest. He coughed up more blood, making a choking noise as he laid on the forest floor looking up at you. His eyes were soft, as if he was just happy to see you one last time before he left this world. That look only made you angry.

"Don't look at me like that! Don't you dare give up! You're not dying on me you bastard! You made me a promise remember? You can't die yet! I won't let you!" You shouted at him with a fierce look in your eyes as they filled with tears.

Mina came back, unsuccessful in her pursuit of Toga, and crouched next to you and the prince helping to press on the wound as she too began to cry. Kirishima came over and fell to his knees next to his best friend, he looked lost.

"Eijiro, I need you to turn into a dragon for me, heat up this knife so it's red hot." You ordered him, throwing one of your daggers on the ground away from you.

Kirishima did as he was told and blew flames over the small blade, trying not to melt it completely and Mina ran to picked it up, impervious to the temperature of the metal and brought it back over to you.

"Okay Mina, when I lift this cloth, press the flat side of the knife over the wound, keep it still for a few seconds then pull it away ok?" She nodded but looked slightly sick at the thought.

"Katsuki," you said in a softer voice, "This is going to hurt like hell, but it'll stop the bleeding, OK?" He looked pale but managed to nod. "Do it Mina."

You lifted the sodden red cape from his chest and Mina pressed the glowing orange metal against the wound, Bakugo let out a loud scream that made your heart ache. But you knew that this wouldn't be enough; the wound was too deep and had clearly hit one of his lungs if nothing else. He'd still be bleeding internally.

"We need to get him to a healer; this won't stop the bleeding for long."

You helped Mina drag him up onto Kirishima's back and directed him back to the assassin's guild, you and Mina holding Bakugo as still as possible as Kirishima ran through the trees. Still in dragon form he was almost as tall as the lowest canopy walkways as you reached the suspended village. As soon as you were close enough you began shouting for help.

Shinso and Aizawa came running out of their house at the panicked sound of your voice. "What happened!?" Shouted Aizawa as he ran to the edge of the platform; he didn't seem shocked at the sight of a dragon in the middle of their forest, only concerned with the blood that was covering you and the prince on top of its back.

"Bandits. Katsuki's been stabbed, badly, I've cauterized the wound but he's still bleeding internally. He needs a healer, or he'll die." You pleaded; panic still evident in your voice.

Shinso was stood speechless with a horrified look on his face. Aizawa shook his head, "We don't have any healers that can deal with a wound that bad. You'll have to go to the mage who lives on the island in the middle of the lake, she's the best healer for miles. It may take too long to get there by boat, but if you fly..."

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