Chapter 45: A battle for blood

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Kirishima and Mina were flying high in the pink sky as the sun began its decent towards the western horizon, it hadn't been long since they woke up from their rest. Bakugo had insisted they fly up the west coast as far as possible before they slept that morning. His need to see you again was clear to the dragons and they wanted to see you too, so they persevered until noon, finally stopping just north of the Western outpost to make camp.

Mina seemed to have more energy the closer they got to their destination, she began dipping and weaving in the sky unable to contain her excitement at finally getting a rider of her own.

"If you don't fly straight, you'll exhaust yourself before we even get there." Kirishima warned her.

"How can you be so calm at a time like this? Aren't you excited to see Tsuki again?" She replied almost giddy.

"Of course I am, but you need to conserve your energy, we're going to war remember? And besides, you won't be able to fly so erratic once you have a rider, she'll fall off your back. Then what would you do?"

Mina rolled her eyes and let out a grunt. "I know that! I won't fly like this with Tsuki on my back, I'm not stupid. Besides, Bakugo would kill me if I dropped her."

Bakugo was sat on Kirishima's back watching the dragons interact, he could tell they were talking telepathically, but he couldn't hear what they were saying. His and Kirishima's blood bond worked differently, it was as if their thoughts were connected on a different frequency, one that only he and Eijiro could hear.

He looked down over Kirishma's shoulder as they approached the edge of the Beast's Forest about to cross over the lake when a flash of blue light caught his eye.

"Oi! Look down there!" He said to Kirishima.

Kirishima looked down towards the blue flames that had emitted out of the woods towards the water's edge. "Shit. That's..."

"Yeah, come on let's go." Bakugo dug his heel into the dragon's side urging him to dive towards the fight taking place at the side of the lake. Mina followed suit without question.

There were ten or so figures surrounding two others, all firing blue flames at the one dressed in black while a green haired assailant also fought them with a sword. The closer they got the more evident it became just what they were flying into.

You were the one in black, stood with two daggers in your hand surrounded by the blue flame wielders, all of which were identical to the black-haired bandit you'd faced before in the woods. Midoriya was there too but he was facing you with his sword raised against you as you battled each other.

Bakugo dropped from Kirishima's back, drawing his sword while Eijiro and Mina transformed and pulled out their own weapons ready to fight. The Dabi clones surrounding you kept lazily firing blue flames in your direction as you fought with Midoriya; it looked more like they were just taunting you rather than actually trying to burn you. The main battle was between you and Midoriya.

Another man Bakugo had never seen before, wearing a black and grey mask, was stood nearby in the tree line of the forest with another Dabi. This one was holding an unconscious woman over his right shoulder, Katsuki assumed this must be the real warlock. They were accompanied by a black spectral creature with yellow glowing eyes, but none of them were engaging in the fight, they were simply spectating from the side-lines.

"What the hell is going on!?" Bakugo yelled as he leapt forward to slice at one of the Dabi clones who was about to send out another wave of flames in your direction. Kirishma and Mina not sparing a second, jumped forward to fight the others.

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