Chapter 63: The King's request

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You and Bakugo returned to the mess hall and sat down together between Kirishima and Mina. The dragons were glad to see you both in good spirits once again and the atmosphere relaxed as you all started eating.

Talk around the table had turned to mundane things, Kaminari was telling Jiro some of the stories he'd picked up on his travels, Yaoyorozu was talking to prince Shoto about the training she had gone through at home before deciding to join the knights and Sato was telling the rest of them about his family bakery back home and all the delicious pastries they made there.

You were content now your stomach was full; you were resting your head gently on Katsuki's shoulder, your eyes feeling heavy after a long day of training, when the peace was suddenly broken by the arrival of the commander. He and the captain burst through the canteen doors with another familiar face, and the chatter in the room ceased almost instantly. As the visitors made their way to the front of the hall, a general murmur rose from the seated cadets.

"Who's that with the commander and captain?"

You could answer that question. "It's Tokoyami, he's from the assassin's guild. I wonder what he's doing here?" You watched as the raven headed boy followed the commander to a podium where he addressed the rookie knights.

"Everyone, listen up!" Called Mirio and the room fell silent. All eyes now on the commander.

"We've just received word from the King, Kamino has fallen. The Warlock's allies are marching north to attack Hosu next. We are to reach the city before they do and join the main forces." Muttering began running through the crowd once again, only this time the voices were filled with worry not curiosity. "I want everyone well rested; we move out first thing in the morning. Report to the armory at 0600 where you will receive your standard issue equipment and move into marching formation. Dismissed."

The commander stepped down from the podium and made his way over to your table as even louder chatter erupted from the recruits as people got to their feet.

"Prince Shoto, there is an additional message for you and Miss Ryoshi. Please come to my office." He nodded to you and made his way out of the mess hall back to his office. Tokoyami nodded to you and followed the commander along with the captain.

Shoto stood and gave you an inquisitive look. You shrugged your shoulders; you had no idea what the massage could be. You got to your feet and Bakugo followed. You might have known he wouldn't want to leave you alone with the crown prince, although he did seem calmer around Shoto now that it was clear he was interested in someone else. Still, he clearly didn't fully trust the youngest Todoroki yet.

You and the two princes walked out of the hall together and across the courtyard to the commander's office. Shoto knocked on the door and the captain bade him enter. Mirio was sat at his desk with Amajiki standing behind him. Tokoyami was stood to one side of the room, watching as you stepped forward.

"Tsuki, from what I gather you already know this messenger."

You nodded. "Yes, he's one of the assassins I trained with in the Beast's Forest. It's nice to see you again Tsukoyomi."

"Likewise, although I would have preferred it be under different circumstances. I'm afraid I come baring grave news." He bowed his head to the prince and handed Shoto a letter baring the royal seal. Shoto took the letter, and a look of distaste crossed his features as he recognized his father's mark. "The king wanted me to give this to you directly and ensure you read it despite your relationship with his majesty. I assure you it is not a summons to retreat. Quite the opposite."

Shoto looked mildly surprised, and curiosity won over. He broke the wax seal and unrolled the letter to read it. You watched as his eyes scanned the page with distain, but that look swiftly changed to horror, and he covered his mouth with his right hand, turning pale. When he finished, he crushed the letter, and his hands began to tremble.

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