Chapter 91: Gone

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Izuku made quite the entrance when he returned with assistance. The three strong dragons he'd brought with him, landed stoically, and remained in dragon form while Sero slid from one's back and helped old lady Chiyo down from another. Midoriya floated down from the one he had been riding and together the barbarian, the mage and the new god walked over to your shivering group.

The fire Katsuki had made earlier didn't last long as there was little around that could be used for fuel. Bakugo tried to throw Midoriya's notebook on the fire, but you refused to give it to him. Your friend would be beside himself if all his notes were lost like that. So instead, you were pressed up against Katsuki's chest, with his arms around your waist and Ochako huddled into your side to share warmth.

When the mage approached your group, you all stood up and Mina changed back to her human form finally, yelling out in pain as she did so. Her broken arm didn't seem to appreciate the sudden transformation in its mangled state, and you felt the dull ache from your blood bond increase marginally until she'd settled back into human form.

"Oh my, let me take a look at you." Chiyo said, hobbling over on her staff.

Mina protested, telling her to heal Eijiro first.

"It's okay, this won't take more than a second, then I'll help him too." Chiyo promised.

Reluctantly, Mina held out her arm and the mage chanted a quiet spell while holding her hand gently in her fingers. The raw skin of her burns faded to their usual pale pink, and you felt the pain you had been sharing with your dragon dissipate as the bone fragments fused back together.

As soon as she was finished with Mina, she turned to Eijiro. You waited for Bakugo's reaction. He hadn't taken kindly to the old lady healing him with magic, you wondered if he'd protest to her helping Kirishima.

As the mage shuffled through the snow towards his best friend however, Bakugo stepped forward and dropped to his knees in a deep bow.

"Please do whatever it takes to heal him. I owe Eijiro my life. If he dies, I'll never forgive myself. So... please... save him."

You were in shock; maybe the one who had changed the most out of all of you was Katsuki. The once stubborn and prideful barbarian prince was actually on his knees begging for help from a mage...

You were not the only one who was speechless by this act of humility. Mina and Sero both stood staring with their jaws open at the sight of their crown prince prostrating himself before a magic user. But they quickly hid their surprise, as did you, when Bakugo stood back up.

"Leave him to me son, he'll be good as new in no time." Chiyo patted Bakugo's arm as she walked past him to see to Kirishima.

Bakugo didn't move to turn around, he remained staring at the snow-covered ground as the mage began chanting another spell behind him. He seemed unable to bring himself to watch as his friend was brought back from the brink.

You understood how he felt, you'd been through the same thing when Toga nearly killed him. You slid your hand into his and gave it a light, reassuring squeeze as he wrapped his fingers around yours in return.

"Can you do that as we're flying back to the mainland?" You asked the mage simply, knowing everyone was eager to get away from this frozen wasteland.

She nodded and everyone gathered themselves together to help lift Kirishima and Chiyo up onto one dragon's back while Izuku carried All Might and floated himself and Ochako up onto another. Sero asked if Bakugo wanted to ride with you on his dragon, but Mina insisted she was able to fly carrying both of you now she was healed.

She transformed again and you were glad to feel absolutely no pain as she morphed back onto all fours and spread her glistening pink wings wide. You and Bakugo climbed up her shoulder effortlessly, the motion now felt like second nature to you, and you smiled as you settled down in front of your barbarian prince. Katsuki held onto your waist, not making a single comment about you being the one to ride the dragon with him only being a passenger.

"We need to stop by the Ice Kingdom Castle." You told Sero. There's something we need to do there."

You pictured the body of Toga still lying frozen in the snow at the edge of the ravine. You couldn't just leave her like that. Although she was your enemy, she still deserved to be buried. There wasn't much you could do for the warlock Twice, who had fallen into the inky depths of the cavern beside her, but at least you could lay one of them to rest before you left this frozen tundra behind.

However, when you landed and searched the area by the broken bridge, where your bags were still sitting covered in fresh snow, where you knew she had fallen... She was gone.

There was the pool of blood where you had dealt the final blow, where her life had undoubtedly come to an end. But amid the crimson stained snow, there was no body to be found and no trail of blood to suggest she might have survived somehow.

You were dumbfounded. Everyone searched around for a while longer until Bakugo shouted that it didn't matter, and they should just go back to the mainland already. The witch was dead beyond a shadow of a doubt, so who cared if wolves had taken the body? That wasn't your problem.

But you had an odd feeling about the situation. You didn't think wolves had taken the corpse away. You didn't see any paw prints in the snow or drag marks to indicate the direction they would have taken her. Although it had snowed heavily during the blizzard, perhaps you just couldn't see the trail? You guessed it was possible, but you didn't believe it even as you tried to tell yourself that must have been what happened.

Everyone got back on their dragons and took off into the sky. You threw your retrieved bag over your shoulder, after transferring the ice kingdom crown into it, and climbed back on Mina's back. Pausing for just one more glance at the blood-soaked floor before joining the others heading south.

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