Chapter 54: Blood Oath

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Being stuck in a tiny hut with two dragons and an irritable barbarian was not your idea of fun. After only 24 hours Bakugo was itching to get out of bed and start flying north again. It took some serious persuading and a strong sleeping potion to convince him he wasn't healed enough to travel yet. But after spending a second night in such cramped quarters, you too were restless to be back outside and in the air. There was no room on the little island to train in combat either, so you had only your mana sight to practice while you were there.

The mage, Chiyo, as expected, had a strong pink aura surounding her and both Mina and Eijiro were bathed in a red glow. It didn't really surprise you that the dragons possessed magic, after all they were able to transform into winged beasts at will. But what did surprise you was that Katsuki also had an aura. His was a golden orange, the same colour of the setting sun; and although it wasn't as bright as the healers or the dragons, it was stronger than Tokoyami's.

You decided not to tell him seeing as he was so averse to magic users. But it made you wonder who else might have a hidden magical ability. Did you have an aura too? Surely if you could see magic you must be using it to do so, right?

You tried looking at yourself in an old, cracked mirror hung on the wall, but you couldn't see anything. However, when Mina came and stood behind you, you couldn't see her aura through the glass either, so you guessed it wasn't reflective like light was. Hmmm. You sighed and turned to see what the pink dragon wanted.

"What's up?" You asked as she hovered over your shoulder.

"Erm, well." She stepped back a couple of paces as you turned to face her, she looked a bit nervous which was very out of character for the bubbly carefree dragon.

"After all this is over, you're not going to leave us, right?"

She looked pointedly over at Bakugo who was still under the influence of his last dose of healing potion. His eyes were closed, and he was breathing softly as he lay unconscious on the quilted blanket.

"Of course I'm not going to leave you, you're my friends." You replied perplexed at the question.

"I know we're friends, but I mean. You're going to marry the prince, right? And then you'll come live on Kazan Island with us."

You blinked a couple of times staring into Mina's black and gold eyes. You hadn't given much thought to the future. You knew you liked Katsuki, and yes you were sure he was planning on asking you to marry him when this was all over. What else could the promise be that he'd mentioned when giving you his necklace?

But you hadn't considered the consequences of that. Did you really expect him to give up his entire way of life? His tribe? His duty as their prince and future king? Did you really think he would move to the mainland to live in a quiet little village in the forest with you? Of course not. But were you willing to give up your life? Leave your father and Izuku? And the quiet calm of the forest? For him?

You saw yourself reflected in Mina's glossy eyes as she waited for you to say something. Your face looked as conflicted as your feelings. Sure, your life wasn't much compared to his, but it was yours and you loved it. Could you really see yourself living out there in the desert for the rest of your life?

"I-, I don't know." You mumbled in a small voice. "Don't get me wrong, I like Katsuki, and I don't want to lose him or you guys. You all mean so much to me. But Inaka is my home, and my father..."

Mina grabbed your hands and held them up to her chest. "You know your father would be welcome too, right? Please Tsuki, he needs you. He's never loved anyone the way he loves you. And you love him too, don't you?"

She squeezed your hands, her eyes pleading with yours.

"I-" you looked over at him again. He looked so peaceful and calm, but even asleep he invoked a flutter of butterflies in your chest.

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