Chapter 56: Clearing the air

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You and Mina were dragged away by Ochako to the girl's bunk house after dinner for a much-needed bath and catch up. Bakugo took some persuading by Kirishima to let you go with the girls instead of staying with him, but he begrudgingly agreed, seeing as you wouldn't be near any of the other guys at least.

So you followed the mage and the other girls to the bath house with a towel and change of clothes where you told Ochako what you had learned with the help of the assassins and about your mana sight. She seemed really excited about your newfound ability.

"So you and Izuku are both magic users too? That's amazing!"

"I don't know if I'm actually using magic myself, I just know I can see it... Hold on. Midoriya!? He can't use magic." You looked confused.

"Yes he can, or at least he has some kind of magical power." She said running her fingers over the surface of the cloudy water.

"He's not like any other mage I've met though. I tried teaching him some spells and he couldn't use any of them. But I've seen it with my own eyes, he can generate a crazy amount of power and channel it into his weapon."

You looked at Ochako as if she had suddenly declared the sky to be green instead of blue. When did your best friend get these powers? And why hadn't he told you about them? You remembered how secretive he'd been since you met back up in Shiketsu. Was this what he was trying to hide? You made a mental note to grill him about it later.

"How do you know if you can use magic or not? How did you find out Ururaka?" Yaoyorozu asked. She and Jiro were listening intently to your story.

Ochako tilted her head back and looked at the bare wooden rafters overhead.

"It's usually pretty obvious. Something happens, and you instinctively use magic without realizing you're doing it. For me it was when my mum was carrying a really heavy tray of drinks. She tripped and fell, but I caught her with a levitation spell to stop her falling and spilling everything." She explained. "After that you just kind of have to practice. Unl;ess you want to become a real mage, then it's best to try and learn a few different spells and try them out. Most people go to the mage academy to have formal training, but there are plenty who don't and only use the power they were born with. Of course, there's also those who reject their power and try and suppress it."

"Why would anyone suppress their magic?" Jiro asked. "I'd kill to have power like that."

You and Yaoyorozu nodded in agreement, but Ochako looked solemnly down into the water.

"Tsuki knows this, but there are those who use their powers for evil, we call them witches and warlocks. It's because of them that a lot of people are scared of magic and fear those who use it. That's why some refuse to nurture their skills and hide their abilities out of fear of being persecuted."

"Oh I see." Said Momo. "I can see it being scary, especially if you're young."

"The barbarian's hate magic. I daren't tell Katsuki what I can do."

"You haven't told him yet?" Ochako looked surprised.

"No, well I haven't really had the chance. After Toga attacked me and stabbed him, he's been unconscious a lot of the time and then when we got here, we kinda had a falling out. Everything's fine now though." You added as Ochako looked like she was going to ask what happened.

You thought it would be best not to tell Yaoyorozu that her future fiancé was who you were arguing about.

"You should tell him, before the war breaks out. Keeping it a secret will only make it worse when he does find out and it's not something you can keep a secret forever." Jiro said.

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