Chapter 18: Warlocks in the Woods

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Image: Shadow Woods

You seemed eager to get out of Shiketsu as fast as possible in the morning, no doubt to avoid another run-in with last night's gorilla, and only allowed them to linger for a simple breakfast before urging everyone to mount their horses and set off again for the capital. Not that Katsuki minded, he also wanted to get on with your journey. The faster you got to the capital, the sooner he wouldn't have to watch Midoriya's hands on your hips.

With the addition of the green haired boy, the mage was now sharing a steed with the armor-clad knight and your friend was pressed up against your back as the two of you shared the black stallion. Every time his eyes drifted towards the two of you and he saw how close Midoriya was sitting to you, his jealousy kept boiling up to an angry simmer. He had to constantly remind himself that you two were childhood friends and that if anything romantic were ever going to happen between the two of you it already would have. At least it was clear you weren't interested in that gorilla, Inasa, from last night...

These thoughts, however didn't manage to keep him calm for long, instead he started to dwell on how well the green haired loser knew you, and how much time you guys must have spent together for you to be so comfortable around him. Now he thought about it, you did act more like siblings he supposed, but still, the pipsqueak clearly knew you well and you were happy in his company, which only angered Katsuki further because he didn't feel like he really knew you at all.

You didn't smile or laugh with him half as much as you were doing now you were reunited with your best friend and he decided the best way to remedy this would be to ask you more about yourself the next time you were alone together. But it didn't look like he was going to get that chance any time soon...

The first day of traveling after you left Shiketsu, you spent the whole day catching up with Midoriya and talking with the knight and the mage. Kirishima joined in occasionally too, adding the odd joke to make everyone laugh. Bakugo however, remained distant from the main group, sitting quietly, and listening as you swapped stories with the others. He was no good with these sorts of social situations, so he gave no input of his own. Instead, he tried to tune out most of the mundane conversation and only really paid attention when it was your voice speaking. You told the others about your own experiences and the escapades you had with your father or Midoriya in the Beast's Forest. Just now, his ears perked up again as the sweet sound of your laughter roused him from his own thoughts.

"I don't even know how he managed it," you laughed wiping a tear from your eye, "but when I found him, he was dangling upside down from a tree, his ankle stuck between the branches and he couldn't get down." The group burst out laughing again while Midoriya turned tomato red and covered his face in embarrassment.

Every story you told seemed to have that damn nerd in it, and it was really starting to piss him off; he'd never been so jealous of anyone before in his life. Why would he be? He was a prince. Everyone in his tribe was jealous of him, there was no reason for him to experience envy before he met you. Hating the fact that you inspired such negative emotions within him, he turned away when it was time to sleep.

This time you were camping overnight by the side of the road and Bakugo decided to keep his distance from you and the others, choosing to sleep away from the campfire instead, despite feeling colder than he had in a long time thanks to the mainland's climate. He hugged his cape closer and shivered as chatter gave way to heavy breathing and snoring. Katsuki wasn't able to get much sleep before dawn began peaking over the horizon thanks to his own tumulus thoughts; he kept thinking about you, and how he felt like like you were just out of his reach. He wanted to drag you away from the others and hold you as you slept like he had on Meiji Island; his arms felt empty, knowing you were so near yet so far. He recalled when you'd purposefully pulled his arm over you at the academy, but you hadn't made any attempts to be that close with him since, and he wondered if maybe you didn't like him as much as he'd first thought. With that unwelcome notion brewing in his mind, he felt a heavy weight fill the pit of his stomach as the others started to wake.

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