Chapter 99: Rude welcome

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He should have expected this.

The minute you stepped through the large gates of his village, there was a massive uproar. He told you not to send a raven ahead before you returned to the Island, but you did anyway, insisting you wanted to let his mother know you were bringing your father.

The four of you stayed in Inaka for a while before returning to Kazan Island. Mr. Ryoshi announced your engagement to the people of the small village the day after you returned, but none of them seemed to really care too much. There was only that one woman, Deku's mum, that genuinely looked happy for you. This fact made him feel much less guilty about taking you away from your home, but he knew you would still miss your father when you were gone.

You'd spent the last couple of days drilling him for his story, which he begrudgingly told you. He explained his past was the reason he could never come back here with you, not permanently anyway. You said you understood, and after hearing his tale in full it was obvious why he couldn't bring himself to return to his former homeland. But that still didn't stop you trying to convince him otherwise. He just smiled and gave you the same answer every time. Saying he would gladly come out for the wedding, but then he would return home to the quiet of the forest where he felt closest to your mother.

Quiet would be a great thing right now, he thought. All the people in his tribe had come out to welcome you back as you made your way through the streets of the camp. The older women were throwing colourful dyes over your heads and congratulated him and his bride to be. Drums had started playing in the background and he expected the feast was already prepared hours before they actually arrived. This was ridiculous, what was his mother thinking? She knew they'd be tired from flying; Ei and Mina had barely been able to stand after touching down at the borders, but at least they seemed to be enjoying the welcome home party even as their eyes drooped, and they dragged their tired feet behind them.

You were by his side, holding his hand with wide glistening eyes, smiling, and waving back at everyone you passed. You looked as glad to be back in his home country as you had when they'd returned to your village. He was glad, but that happiness faded abruptly when your eyes landed on a small group of girls who were scowling at you from the sidelines. He knew those three, they were the ones who persisted the most in their attempts to get his attention. He sensed your shoulders drop under their hateful gaze and your hand loosened in his. He didn't like that. He gripped it tighter and held you back from the rest of the procession.

"What are we stopping for?" You asked.

"I need to have a little chat with those three, come on." He said, feeling the scowl pulling his brows together as he dragged you towards them, his temper slowly rising.

He felt you resist him, "It's fine Katsuki, you really don't have to."

Oh, but he did. He knew these girls wouldn't give up just because he'd chosen you, he could already sense them plotting something.

"Oi. Extras." He stopped in front of the girls and watched as they smoothed out their expressions innocently.

"Welcome home, my prince. Is there anything I can do for you?" Said the tallest one, batting her eyelashes at him.

"Yeah. You can stop looking at my bride like she's a piece of crap." The other two looked sideways at each other, but the one in the middle didn't falter.

"I don't know what you mean Katsuki, we were just saying how pale the foreigner's complexion is. Maybe we should get her a healer..."

Bakugo growled and his hand shot out to grab her by the throat. He'd never bothered to learn their names; he had never had any interest in these pathetic suck ups. All they cared about was his status and the power being his wife would give them, they didn't think of him as anything other than a prince. He hated leaches like them the most, and his simmering anger showed as he lifted the girl off her feet.

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