Chapter 26: The Gods' Power

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When Prince Todoroki asked him what he wanted to look up, Izuku avoided the question. Even if he could explain his situation to them, he didn't think they'd believe him; and besides, he didn't really know what he was hoping to find here, only that he'd probably know it when he found it.

He thought back to the two days he'd spent at the temple; after his talk with Sir Night Eye, the druid had taken him to a dark chamber built deep beneath the temple.


"This room is kept hidden." Said the druid as they descended a dark narrow stairwell into the depths of the hillside. The firelight from the torch he was carrying flickered in a cold draft emanating from below.

"No-one in the Nihon Islands knows of its existence except those who guard its secret." He explained as they walked, their footsteps echoing against the bare walls carved from the very bedrock which started to glisten with damp the further down they went, they must have passed sea level by now. How deep did this tunnel go?

"Then why tell me?" He asked.

The druid sighed and turned to Izuku, "I've already told you; you have been chosen by the Gods, you now share their fate."

At the bottom of the staircase was a dark metal door with a sturdy looking lock. Sir Night Eye revealed an old black key hidden beneath his robes; it was hung on a chain around his neck. He took it off and used it to unlock the door.

He pushed the heavy iron slab, stiff as it was with rust, inward with a sharp creak and lit a couple of sconces on the walls inside the hidden chamber.

As the light spilled into the room it illuminated seven stone tombs, each with a depiction of a figure laid on top. The most recent was a woman with a long hair and a cape, she had a sword clasped in her hands. Next to her was a shorter man with a high collar hiding half of his face, and next to him a much taller bald man. Across from these three were four more caskets, one depicting a man with longer hair, sporting a scar over his left eye, but the other three figures were so worn by the ages Izuku couldn't make out any defining features.

"What is this place?" Izuku asked, although he was starting to think he already knew.

"This is the final resting place of the Gods. I'm sure by now you might have guessed, that at one point, the gods were once mortal like yourself."

"T-that's not possible!" Izuku stammered, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. The gods were once human?!

"Each God you see here has wielded great power, keeping the darkness at bay. When their time came, they each found a worthy successor, to pass on that power. With each transfer this power has grown. But so too has that of the darkness." The druid turned to look at Midoriya with a grave expression.

"There is another God you see, the God of Darkness. Not many people are aware of his continued existence. However, those that are, have given him many names over the centuries; most recently people have simply called him death. But his true power is known as All for One, and that is the name he chose for himself. That is why, this power passed down by the God's of Light, is called One for All. It is a symbol of peace, justice and hope for the people of this world. And the only way to defeat evil."

Izuku listened intently as he walked between the tombs, stopping at the newest one, next to which was a rectangular stone slab ready for the next...

"All Might..." He whispered, as it dawned on him, the god depicted by the statue in the temple above them was a living breathing human being. "Can I meet him!?" He asked excitedly.

"You already have, young Midoriya." Said a familiar voice from the doorway. Izuku turned to see the tall thin man from the woods, with his messy blond hair and bright blue eyes that glowed in the darkness around them.

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