Chapter 10: Back to the mainland

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You didn't sleep well. The guilt and worry you felt about forgetting Izuku had been swirling around your mind all afternoon, slowly eating away at your conscience while you lay on the hard earth next to the prince. Even when you did close your eyes and try to get some sleep, the oppressive silence in the room weighed heavily on you and kept you awake while you waited for the soft breathing that would signal Bakugo had drifted off. But when that sound never came, you knew it meant he too was unable to rest easy. No doubt his mind was on the coming battle he had to face and this only added to the worry you were feeling. What if, when you returned to the mainland, something happened to him or Kirishima and you never saw them again?

The sky light in the center of the tent dimmed, indicating the daylight outside was beginning to fade; soon you'd be flying back across the open ocean, leaving the barbarian village behind and this thought saddened you. 

The Bakugo tribe was the first place you'd truly felt at home besides the wilderness of the Beast's Forest; back home in Inaka, you never quite fit in with the other villagers, always being looked down on like some unruly animal because of the way your father decided to raise you. But here, women were treated the same as men and the only reason people stared at you was out of curiosity, it wasn't like they weren't looking down at you with distain as people did back home. It was only now you were somewhere foreign that you recognized how little you fit in in Inaka. 

Your chest ached at this realization, wishing more than anything that you could stay here longer, but you had Midoriya to think about and Kaminari and Aoyama, not to mention your father would be waiting for your return. You couldn't just abandon them,

Bakugo stirred and you took that as your cue to begin packing up your things; As he rolled off the bed and pulled his boots back onto his feet, you sat up on the floor and started rolling up your thick woolen cloak, fastening it to the bottom of your bag, and then looked at your clothes. You weren't sure if you should leave the things you were wearing, and put on your hunters' garb, but it was still too warm for the thick clothes you had brought with you, so you remained in the clothes given to you by the queen and stuffed your own inside your bag next to your other possessions and the loaf of stale bread that was still in there.

You intended to at least leave the cape and the golden arm guard behind, though the queen seemed to have gifted these to you too, it didn't feel right to take them if you weren't sure you'd be coming back. Not that you didn't want to come back one day, but you didn't know when you would be able to or if the prince would even want you to... However, when Bakugo saw you'd left the gifts of his tribe on the table he picked them up and held them out to you.

"Oh no I couldn't," you said, looking down at the floor in embarrassment.

"It was a gift, dumbass, take it." He said angrily thrusting the bracer into your palm, "The cape too." He huffed, throwing the roll of red fabric at your face as he turned and picked up his own, threading his arms through the straps that held it in place.

Bashfully, you fastened the bracer back on your arm and donned the cape, hoping that you hadn't unintentionally insulted him or his mother by trying to refuse their generous offerings. You weren't used to being lavished with such gestures, especially not ones this expensive. Most of your own possessions were made by yourself or your father, or else bought from someone in the village. The only exception to this was your sword which your father had saved up years for. There weren't any local blacksmiths near your village, so he'd taken you all the way to the capital to have one commissioned. That was the first and only time you'd ever left your village, until now.

When you were fully geared up and ready to leave, you both exited the tent and made your way purposefully through the camp back to the front gate. Kirishima caught up to you along the way; his arms casually folded behind his head and a soft smile on his face, he didn't give off the air of someone heading to war.

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