Chapter 58: The reality of war

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You couldn't believe Katsuki would actually threaten someone's life like that just to win a sparring match. Nevertheless, it had worked. He was the first and only person to beat the commander in hand-to-hand combat and he hadn't even landed a single blow.

Although, the image of the captain's horror-stricken face as Bakugo bore down on him for a second time was playing on your mind, and it made you feel uneasy. You wanted to talk to him about it, but now wasn't the time.

After the assessment, commander Mirio explained the different battalions and what they specialized in. Because you all scored so high, he decided to let the four of you choose which one to join and even offered for Bakugo to take command of one of the battalions himself. But he had refused, saying he already had his own army and didn't need any "extras" weighing him down. Instead, he chose to train by himself, and naturally, Kirishima joined him.

Mina waited for you to decide what you were going to do before making a choice for herself. She didn't really care what the two of you did but she was bound to you now and she would follow you whatever you decided.

Knowing Izuku was in the first battalion and intended to fight on the front lines when the time came, you couldn't stand the idea of him risking his life and you not being there to back him up. And besides, you knew full well that Bakugo would also be up front in the thick of it even if he didn't do so as part of the army's ranks. It just didn't seem right to train in any of the other battalions.

You decided to join the first battalion where Izuku was training, Mina nodded that she would do the same and the commander grinned and bade you follow him.


Bakugo watched as you headed off to the training ground where that loser of a best friend of yours would be. He had been in a good mood after beating the commander. But that smug feeling swiftly evaporated as you walked away from him now without even a backwards glance.

He had expected you to stay and train with him, not go off with the mainlanders to join their troops. You were a dragon rider now, right? You belonged with him not these stupid knights in their dumb armor.

Were you mad at him again? You hadn't looked him in the eye since the assessment had finished. When he'd let go of the whimpering captain, there was an odd look on your face that he hadn't seen before. You didn't look angry with him, and he didn't think it was fear either, but whatever it was it wasn't good. He'd expected you to be proud of him for succeeding where everyone else had failed. But the look you had given him was the farthest thing from pride.

He dug his heel into the floor and tapped his fingers angrily on his folded arm, he didn't understand you sometimes.

Kirishima was watching his master and could feel his mood dropping as he stared off after you. If he didn't do or say something to distract the prince now it would only get worse.

"Hey commander, why don't we go spar a little?"

Bakugo grunted in ascent and followed after his dragon, but his mind was still on you, trying to figure out what that look had meant.


They stood in a small clearing in the woods away from the main camp; it was more sheltered from the bitter wind here, but the air was still brisk. This far north the climate was so different from their home on Kazan Island, and it was only going to get worse if they had to travel any farther north.

Although Kirishima wasn't bothered at all by the change in temperature due to his thick skin, he was aware that his master would need to keep his blood pumping to maintain his body heat. Though they didn't really have any clothing suitable for wintery weather, as it never dropped below 15 degrees even at night even in the coldest season, Kirishima had made sure Bakugo was wearing the thicker clothes he'd brought with him. However, the barbarian's chest was still exposed, displaying his new scar, and Eijiro wanted to keep the prince active as much as possible.

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