Chapter 87: Defeated King

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Hawks had managed to dispatch quite a number of enemies and was now feeling the onset of fatigue. The war had been raging for hours and although it wasn't unusual for battles like this to drag on for days, he feared the undead would not allow their troops to rest and regain their strength. After all, the dead didn't need to sleep like the living, and he doubted the warlock king had enough decency to call off his minions even for a moment to give them some respite.

He heard a triumphant roar from a group of barbarians and knights surrounding a felled giant, and he paused to hover in the air for a moment. It appeared the leader of the rebel giants had been slain and Mount Lady was crouched by his side with some of their allies in her hands as they celebrated their small victory. He felt relieved that at least one of the main players of the opposition was now out of the running, but that relief was short lived when a flash of blue flames caught his eye.

He searched the area for its origin, and when he saw it, a crawling sensation ran up his spine. He watched as a large white-winged monster descended on his king and his heart almost stopped. Impossible, he thought, the ice dragons should be all wiped out. Endeavour had promised him the one who had killed his family was the last of them. So, who...?

But that question didn't take long to answer, the dragon shifted and turned into its human form as it passed through the wall of blue flames unscathed. Stood before the king now, was a young man covered in dark scars; scars that seemed oddly familiar to him. When Hawks added those purple markings to the sudden appearance of blue flames, the eerie sense of familiarity grew stronger in his mind... And when the man ran his hand over his hair, transforming it from black to brilliant white... he had little doubt.

A sickening feeling filled the pit of his stomach as he raced over the battlefield, ignoring all his comrades screams behind him, his eyes fixed on the man baring down on the king.


Shoto was running towards his father, but his progress was hindered by the fights raging around him. Ogres stumbled across his path, and he ducked out of the way of more than one weapon as it swung dangerously close to him while he ran. His father's knights were screaming in pain and fear as they fought for their lives on all sides, but he tried not to look at them as he made a bee line for his own destination.

The crown prince had never seen so much bloodshed before and the overpowering stench of blood, sweat and filth assaulted his nose, causing his stomach to heave. He tried to push it down, covering his mouth and nose with his hand to dull the foul smells as he willed himself not to vomit and continue on his path across the battlefield. Although the loud shouts and clashes of steel on steel, accompanied by the odd gut-wrenching sound of breaking bones and splattering blood were enough to make his stomach churn even without the offensive odors to match. All of his senses were overloaded with the horrors surrounding him and he found his ability to keep moving was hindered by more than just physical obstacles. War truly was a gruesome thing.

As if to drive this point home for the young prince, a metal clad body collided with his, hard, and the pair tumbled to the ground. The frightened young man who had run into him scrambled on the floor, his hands and feet slipping in the mud preventing him from standing back up. The knight wasn't much older than himself and his panicked eyes locked on to the princes' as Shoto rolled over in the mud to see what was happening. The terror fueled knight reached out his hand towards Shoto, crying out to him in a choke voice, "Please, save me!"

Shoto froze; blood was gushing out of the man's neck far too quickly, with each frantic beat of the knight's heart a jet of red liquid pulsed out of the wound and pooled on the floor in front of him. He blinked, not knowing what it was he should do for the scared man as he begged him for help. But he needn't have bothered, because a split second later, an inferus had thrown itself on the knight's back and sunk its teeth into the exposed flesh of his wound. The man's cries were cut short in a muted gurgle and his arm fell limp as he died right before Shoto's eyes.

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