Chapter 75: All Might

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Authors note: You're all going to hate me for this chapter...

The warlock king seemed to have forgotten about you, his whole attention was on Midoriya just as you'd hoped. You snuck around the edge of the hall, keeping to the shadows, avoiding the debris flying in every direction from the fight between the gods.

All Might and All for One were locked in a fierce battle of strength, exchanging powerful blows that shook the very foundation of the building. With each strike, another pillar or segment of wall was destroyed but still the gods would rise to their feet and continue fighting as they spoke to each other. You couldn't quite make out what they were saying, but you could tell the dark god was taunting All Might and the god of light was getting more and more agitated. Whatever he was saying to rile him, it was working, which didn't bode well for your chances of victory.

On the other side of the room where you'd left them, Izuku was diving around actively avoiding the warlock's hands as the latter was laughing manically and trying to grab him. You didn't understand what he was doing. The warlock had no weapons, yet Midoriya had abandoned his sword which appeared to be broken already. You had to assume the dark magic user had some tricks up his sleeve that rendered weapons ineffective.

But you couldn't worry about that just now, you'd managed to creep up behind the Doctor as All Might had called him. The dark druid was stood facing the two battles where the targets of his spell were fighting, as he continued chanting the long, complicated spell in a language you didn't understand.

You'd left your bow and arrows over by the entrance, so you'd have to rely on close quarters combat. Not that it mattered, the druid didn't look like much of a fighter, but he's not what worried you. The demon, Kurogiri, had vanished again. You were sure he was still somewhere nearby, but with all the dark magic emanating from All for One, you couldn't locate him with your mana sight, and the room itself was so dark it was already hard to make out much of what was around you. You'd just have to go for it.

You leaped out of your hiding place behind the Doctor and held up your daggers to plunge in his back. There he was, Kurogiri appeared in front of you and a portal opened up in the gap between you; you sailed straight through it and slammed headfirst into a solid marble wall. You shook your head to clear your vision after colliding with the hard surface to see you were still in the main hall. The shadow demon could have transported you anywhere, but he'd kept you in the same room, perhaps he had orders to kill you or perhaps, not to let you escape.

You stood back up and wiped a drop of blood from the corner of your eyebrow where your head had hit the wall. There wasn't a lot of blood, you shouldn't worry about it. You could still see fine, and you weren't dizzy, so you got back into a fighting stance and charged once again at your target. But Kurogiri wasn't allowing you to get anywhere near the Doctor.

This was hopeless. Every time you got within five feet of the druid, you found yourself at the opposite end of the room. Once you were even thrown out of the portal from the ceiling and almost fell on top of All for One before All Might crashed into him and pushed him out of the way.

"Are you alright Miss Ryoshi?" Asked the god between gritted teeth as he held his left arm against All for One's throat.

"I'm fine, don't mind me." You said getting quickly to your feet and running in the opposite direction. Clearly you were outmatched by the demon and Izuku was outmatched by Shigaraki. That gave you an idea.

You slid across the smooth surface of the marble floor to where you had left your bow and quiver. You picked it up and slung the strap over your shoulder, quickly pulling an arrow out of your quiver and notching it to your bow.

The Great Warlock War - Bakugo x OC FemreaderWhere stories live. Discover now