Chapter 33: Covert Rescue

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You waited till the sun had set, then once again climbed a tall tree, this time further around the perimeter, closer to the back of the estate. The plan was to sneak over the wall behind the Mausoleum, and Shoji and Tsukuyomi would take out any of the patrols that came near, while the rest of you broke the locked door and headed inside. Ochako was to reserve her magic as much as possible in case you needed to leave using a portal, meaning it would be up to you, Midoriya and Shinso to take out any enemies inside the hideout.

Once in position you tied a strong length of rope around an arrow and aimed it over the wall into a tree at the back of the stone structure. You took a deep breath, steadied your hand, and let loose. The arrow flew silently and hit home in the bark as you'd planned. You gave it a few strong tugs to make sure it had anchored well and wouldn't come loose, then tied the other end of the rope to the tree you were perched in.

You nodded to everyone else on the ground and slung your bow over the rope, sliding down it like a zip line to land quietly on the grass. You waited a moment or two to see if you had been spotted. When it remained quiet you took the arrow out of the tree and fastened the rope more securely around it's trunk, before signaling to the others to make their way over. Izuku helped Ochako first, who slid down using her staff, then Midoriya followed after, using the scabbard of his sword. Shinso sailed in using a cloth binding he had coiled around his neck, but Shoji just jumped from the tree to the top of the wall, waiting in position.

"Where's Tsukuyomi?" You whispered to the assassin.

"He's taken to the sky; don't worry he'll be ready when needed." Said Shinso calmly.

You turned back to look for Shoji, but he was gone. Shinso was beckoning you to follow him round the edge of the Mausoleum wall, so you focused on the task and hand as the four of you shuffled around with your backs against the cold stone in single file. When you reached the corner at the front of the building, he held out his hand for you to wait. You heard a strange gurgling sound and two thuds as something heavy hit the ground.

Shinso motioned for you follow again and you made it round the front where the door was. Shoji was crouched amongst the headstones dragging two bodies out of sight. Two of his many arms holding blood-stained daggers.

Next it was your turn, you stepped forward, unsheathing your sword, and positioning it between the gap in the doors above the lock. You thrust swiftly down breaking the latch, but it made quite a loud noise as the lock broke, and the wood of the door cracked around the keyhole.

"What was that?" You heard a male voice nearby. "Let's go check it out. It sounded like it came from over there."

Your heart began to pound at the thought of being caught. But before the two thugs could get close enough to see you, a dark shadow crossed the ground and you looked up briefly to see Tsukuyomi diving out of the air suspended by a dark creature with wings. He plummeted towards the two men before they had even registered his presence and plucked them into the sky. They didn't have chance to make a sound before you heard a couple of faint cracks indicating broken necks and their figures became limp in the shadows grasp.

"Okay, we're clear, let's go." Said Shinso in a calm whisper, opening the door to the crypt and gesturing inside. The four of you ran in silently and Shinso closed the door behind you. There were metal sconces on the walls illuminating a small staircase that led underground. Leading the way, keeping your sword in front of you, you treaded as lightly as possible on each step to minimize the sound of your footsteps.

At the bottom of the stairs was a narrow tunnel, it snaked around for a while, twisting left and right, the walls on either side were rough apparently carved out of compact earth. Your heart rate spiked at each corner, but you didn't encounter anyone along the way. Eventually the path split into two and you were forced to make a decision on which route to take.

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