Chapter 98: Secret Past

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This was not what you were expecting... You thought you'd bring Katsuki to see your dad, and that he'd take a good look at him, maybe tease him a little, try and get a rise out of him, then laugh it off and accept him. But that wasn't what your father was doing as he circled Bakugo in the clearing you used to spar in as a kid. You thought your dad was joking when he asked you to get his sword, but the look in his eyes told you he was dead serious right now, and so was Katsuki. 

Bakugo threw off his cape and began stretching and flexing his muscles, warming up for the coming fight as he mirrored your father's movements across the ground. Meanwhile your dad calmly tied back his long hair and took off his shirt while maintaining a steady pace across from him.

You never saw your father without clothing on, besides the fact that he was your dad and that would be weird, he told you he had a few scars that he preferred to keep hidden. You hadn't thought anything of it at the time, expecting the odd cut or two from some embarrassing hunting accident, but "a few" was a drastic understatement. Hundreds of jagged white lines littered both his back and his torso, most looked layered from repeated lashes with what you could only imagine was a whip. You had no idea he had been through anything like that, and you couldn't even begin to fathom who would do that to him or why. But the multitude of scars painting his body weren't the only thing that caught your eye. Although it was extremely faded, there on his shoulder, in the same place as Katsuki's, was a tattoo of a wild cat...

"What tribe are you from?" Bakugo asked, he must have seen it too, but surely not, there's no way your dad was a...

"The Shuryo tribe."

You looked back and forth between your father and Katsuki in utter bewilderment. Bakugo's face said he understood, but you didn't understand a thing. What was your father talking about the Shuryo tribe? He wasn't seriously suggesting he was a barbarian!? Your mouth was hanging open in complete shock, and you turned to gawp at the dragons for some kind of explanation. However, neither Mina nor Eijiro seemed to understand what that meant either. Eijiro shrugged and Mina just shook her head; both of them mirrored your look of surprise at the revelation your father had just dumped on you.

You thought you knew everything about your dad; your mother was supposed to be the only mystery in your life and after you stumbled across her past by accident at the guild, you felt like you were finally able understand your own roots better. But here your father was, turning your entire world on its head yet again as he revealed his own secret past. You had so many questions for him, and by the Gods you were going to get answers, even if you had to make Mina sit on him in her dragon form until he told you everything.

But you couldn't dwell on that just now, because the second Katsuki had nodded his understanding, your father leaped into action.


Bakugo knew it was coming, but he still wasn't quite prepared for the opening strike from Yudai. He managed to block your father's sword and spin out of the way in time to deflect the next powerful strike that followed, but he barely had time to think under the torrent of well-timed blows your father was raining down on him.

The realization that your dad was once a barbarian hadn't shocked him nearly as much as it seemed to have surprised you. Obviously, Yudai hadn't told you about his past, and knowing what happened to the Shuryo tribe, he wasn't surprised. As heir to his own tribe, he had been forced to learn all of his people's history, and that included the treacherous act that wiped out the entire village of the Shuryo clan. It was a much darker time back then, and Yudai's scars told him of the hell he had endured to survive it. Your father must have faced horrors far worse than either you or he had these last few weeks. The fact he was even still alive was a true testament to his strength.

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