Epilogue: I'll be watching

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Dabi watched from the shadows as a small entourage of dragons landed in the palace courtyard; his eyes trained on the riders as they slid from their backs. He recognized the pink dragon and the young woman who landed gracefully next to it. You had changed even more since he last saw you, that quiet surety you exuded was now a commanding confidence and he found himself feeling glad that you hadn't perished all those years ago when he dropped you in the icy mountains.

He saw a bright smile grace your face as you turned and helped a young boy off the dragons back as he tried to make his own, less graceful descent from the beast. Dabi couldn't help but chuckle to himself as he recognized the traits of the Barbarian prince that resided in your son. Though the little boy had dark hair like yours, his restless nature and impatience screamed of his Bakugo heritage.

The dragons transformed around you, and another child still perched on the pink one's back, expertly stayed astride as her steed transformed 'til she was sitting on the dragon's shoulders. The female dragon held the little girl's feet now she was in her human form, to stop her sliding off as she bounced up and down on the balls of her feet. The girl giggled and then asked to be put down. This little one was older than her brother and was certainly your daughter; she had long blond hair fashioned in the same style you used to have yours, and her calm collected attitude shone through as she made her way over to hold her father's hand.

The barbarian too had grown, despite looking the same as he remembered, the king of the Bakugo clan had clearly matured. He no longer looked aggravated by everything around him and although the scowl lines he had permanently ingrained into his features were still present, so too was a soft smile as his daughter ran happily towards him.

As the party of visitors approached his brother, Dabi pushed off from the pillar he had been leaning on ready to do what he had come here for. But as he did, another pair of little eyes caught the movement, and the perceptive gaze of his nephew met his as he turned to walk away. He offered the little man a small smile and waved as he passed the guards and entered the main doors of the palace.

"Good morning my queen, how are you this morning?" He asked as he entered the morning room.

"Oh, I didn't know you were back already Hawks. Did you manage to find him?"

The raven-haired beauty his brother had married was lounging in one of the chairs by the window, happily staring out at the guests in the courtyard as she stroked her ever growing belly. Dabi caught a glimpse of himself in a mirror hanging on the wall. The face staring back at him was that of his childhood friend Takami Keigo; he ran his hand through the golden hair that was falling into his eyes and hitched up the smile he had been practicing for the last week as he turned to face the woman.

"Not yet, but I'm sure I will soon." He said slipping a letter into the cover of the book he had placed on the table. "How long until number two arrives?"

The queen smiled and looked from him down at her incredibly large baby bump. "Any day now, although we think it might be twins this time... Gods help us!" She chuckled.

Dabi chuckled too. "I'll be sure to come and visit again soon then. Wouldn't want to miss the arrival of two new heirs to the crown. And how is little Touya?"

The queen sighed, "He's a strange one. He's just like his father, I never know what's going through that child's head, but he says the strangest things sometimes."

"Oh?" He asked intrigued.

"Just the other day he swears blind he was talking to his uncle, but Natsuo has been overseas for the last month, there's no way he's spoken to him recently."

Dabi held back the smirk that threatened to blow his cover. "Maybe he thinks he has another uncle in the castle. Anyway, will you make sure Shoto gets this letter for me? I can't stay, I need to get back. Afterall, there's an old friend I need to go see."

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