Chapter 7: First Impressions

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Image: rough idea of what the inside of Bakugo's tent looks like

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Image: rough idea of what the inside of Bakugo's tent looks like

The multitude of eyes staring at you, as you sat quietly sandwiched between the broad shoulders of Bakugo and Kirishima, were starting to make you feel uncomfortable. 

The council tent Bakugo brought you to was probably the largest building in the whole village; it was a long irregular oval shape, with a similarly long table in the centre which was covered in a vast map of the Nihon Islands. Sat around it, making up two thirds of the council, were a handful of very old looking men. Though clearly barbarians, they no longer bore their tattooed torsos like the rest of the inhabitants outside, and were instead modestly clothed and wise looking. Each of the elder's eyes were settled on you, none showing any visible signs of emotion for you to gauge what they were thinking. You found it a little unsettling, but you weren't about to let these strangers intimidate you, so you concentrated your own eyes on the woman standing at the head of the table.

Mitsuki situated to Bakugo's left, waiting patiently the hubbub to die downbefore speaking. On her other side sat a dark haired man who was wearing a similar cape to that of the queen and her son. If you had to hazard a guess, you'd say it was Bakugo's father; nobody had made mention of a king, so he must have been the one to marry into the ruling family. Come to think of it, you had assumed barbarian rulers would be chosen by some kind of contest of strength or courage, but if Bakugo was next in line after his mother, then perhaps they had royal linages just like the royals on the mainland. 

Mitsuki cleared her throat to gather everyone's attention and when the muttering finally ceased she began to address the table, "Yesterday the commander, went out on a... patrol over the mainland." She explained slowly, clearly choosing her words carefully as she glanced sideways at her son.

You felt Bakugo bristle next to you and saw the queen's mouth twitched into a slight smile. Bakugo shifted in his seat as if to sit further away from you and you chanced a peek at his face to see him glaring at his mother before she averted her eyes from his and continued as if unphased.

"Early this morning after his return, he informed me that the giants are once again locked in a battle over territorial boundaries. As you are aware, our alliance with the giants is strained at the best of times, and their leader, Mount Lady, will be quick to point out our absence should we choose to ignore their struggle after having it brought to our attention."

There was a general murmur of agreement around the table. "That being the case, we cannot afford to sit idly by. We must send the dragon riders to the mainland and help drive Gigantomachia and his hordes once again back to the foothills of the mountains. Agreed?"

The old men muttered the odd "Here, here," nodding and banging their fists on the table. Kirishima smacked his fist into his palm looking excited and Bakugo grunted as way of acceptance as he stood up.

"It's settled then," he said. "We'll head out at night fall tomorrow. Kirishima, have the rest of the dragons prepare and rest up for a long flight. We're going to need you all at your best." Bakugo ordered.

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