Chapter 21: Fit for a Prince

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You arrived at the Royal Tailors, Best Jeanist, after you had eaten a few delights from the street vendors Hawks had shown you round.

Opening the door, a small bell chimed somewhere in the back as you filed into the small foyer. A tall man wearing an extremely high-necked tunic appeared from a back room behind the counter. He stood with his hip stuck out to the side, propping one elbow in the palm of his hand as he surveyed each of you pinching the tip of his golden fringe. His smooth sweeping hair drew neatly across his face just scraping the top of his eyelashes. Between his low hanging hair and his unreasonably high collar, which covered his mouth and nose, you could barely see his face at all. The only visible parts left were his eyes, which were taking in each of you in turn, assessing and analyzing as you stood in front of him.

"Hey Hakamada, these are the kids I was telling you about." Said Hawks ushering you all forward slightly. "The king wants them fit for a banquet tomorrow if you'd be so kind. I'll be back later to pick 'em up." He tipped an imaginary hat at the tailor then left the shop.

Prince Todoroki sat in the window seat and gazed out of it boredly while the tailor got to work. Mr. Hakamada approached Izuku, Bakugo and Kirishima first with a tape measure.

"Uwabami, please come and take care of the girls." He called out behind him and a blond lady in a tight maroon dress came out of the back room. She had three live snakes protruding from her tightly curled hair and her yellow eyes were slit like a serpent's.

"Follow me ladies, we'll soon have you dressed to impress." She smiled and led you to another changing room behind a curtain.

She had you stand on two raised circular platforms and expertly took your measurements. You'd never had someone fuss this much over you. She measured every length and circumference of your body, even areas you would never have thought of; you had no idea tailoring could be so precise. All your own clothes were made by Inko who had only ever taken the measurements of your height, waist and hips. Everything you owned was made of study durable fabric like cotton and tweed. It was practical for the environment you lived in, and until you received the barbarian clothes you were currently wearing, you had never once thought about how different fabrics or colours could make you feel.

While the seamstress was busy with Ochako you looed around at the sample garments on display. Fashion was probably a big deal in the capital, you knew a lot of expensive goods were traded between the mainland and other countries, and it made sense for those who were wealthy enough to afford such luxuries to display their status in their attire. Aoyama was the perfect example; it only took one look at him when you met him and Denki in the woods to see he was a noble.

You'd never considered yourself poor before, your fathers hunting trade gave you a comfortable life even if it was basic, but you never went hungry or wanted for anything. You were happy with your lot. You thought Bakugo seemed the same, despite being a prince his tent hadn't been luxurious or over the top like the royal palace here in the capital. You didn't think it was because the barbarians were poor, after all, their clothing was of a far superior in quality to anything you were used to seeing, and the gold bracer you had been gifted was hardly just some mere trinket. No, you were sure his people were simply much less showy when it came to their wealth. They valued other things like strength and skill over money.

"Now then," Said Uwabami breaking you out of your thoughts, she put down her tape measure and looked at Ururaka. "I think you suit pink, so we'll stick with a similar colour to what you're wearing now but add in some floral detailing at the waist, and perhaps some darker ruffles in the skirt."

"As for you," she turned to study you. "You don't look like a barbarian girl... so I'm assuming this outfit has something to do with that blonde boy through there. Am I right?"

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