Chapter 61: And so it begins

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Aizawa was sat at the table in his small home nursing a now cold cup of coffee. He had never thought of his house as being small before, but with Eri now living there it seemed cramped all of a sudden. Not that he minded; the little girl was a breath of fresh air and you and Shinso had taken on the role of older siblings better than he could have hoped for, even if you had only been with them a couple of days, it had felt like his own sister had returned and his family was almost whole again.

He hoped you were okay, and that the barbarian had recovered well, it was clear how devoted to the prince you were. He'd seen that look in his sisters' eyes before; he understood now what that look meant, though he had never experienced true love himself it was obvious when you saw it in someone else. He was just thinking it wouldn't be long until Shinso would want to move out and begin building a family of his own, when there was a tapping sound at the window.

He turned and saw a raven baring a message. He opened the window and took the scroll from the bird, it waited patiently as he read the note from the king with a growing frown. He hastily scribbled a reply and sent the bird back on its way before going to wake Shinso.

"Shinso, wake up. The town is under attack. We need to go evacuate the people. The dragon riders are on their way to help."

Shinso woke easily, he sat up and rubbed his bloodshot eyes.

"Evacuate? Why? What's happening?"

"The war has begun. Giants, Ogres and some of the other races from the forest are marching north and they're nearly upon us. We must defend the town."

Shinso threw the covers from him and hurried to get dressed. Aizawa headed back to the living room to wake Eri.

"Round everyone up, we'll need as many people as we can get. I'll take Eri somewhere safe."

"Yes sir."


Sero was urging his dragon on, he and the other dragon riders were beginning to tire. They'd been flying all night and had barely stopped to rest since they set off from the giant's camp in the south.

He could see the path their enemy had carved through the forest below and ensured they maintained their distance so as not to be seen flying overhead. Eventually they caught up and overtook the hordes, who were still camped out at the edge of the mountain ridge. But as the sun peaked over the horizon, he knew it wouldn't be long before the enemy would be on the move again.

They cleared the edge of the forest and could see the town ahead. He gave the order to land on the outskirts and they started their decent. His dragon landed haphazardly on the grass banking bordering the nearest road into the town before collapsing and transforming from exhaustion. When everyone else landed, he addressed his comrades.

"Alright men. And women..." He hastily added at the look he was given by some of the female warriors. "Evacuation of the town takes priority; the queen has ordered us not to engage the enemy if possible but if you have no choice, kill anyone that stands in your way. That said, do not put yourselves in unnecessary danger for the sake of the mainlanders. This is only the beginning of the war; we'll need every warrior we have if we're going to win so, if we must, we retreat. Understood?"

He looked around at all the faces in front of him. The dragons were barely able to keep their eyes open, so tired were they from flying for so long, but not a single person wavered in their agreement and everyone nodded. The barbarians were a nation of strong warriors, each one of his riders was an elite soldier from the Bakugo tribe, the largest and most powerful of the barbarian tribes. He knew they were all capable fighters, even with fatigue setting in as it was now. He was proud to be their captain and he wanted to prove to the prince commander, Katsuki, that he had chosen well when he picked Sero to be his right-hand man.

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