Chapter 42: The enemy grows nearer

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It had been two days since Yudai had received your second letter.

The first he had received at the same time as Midoriya's. He'd laughed out loud when he read them both together.

Izuku's was full of worry, Yudai could read the panic in his shaky handwriting. Whereas yours was calm and so full of confidence. You'd predicted correctly that Midoriya would send him a letter, telling him what had happened to you. But it seemed he didn't need to worry after all.

Yudai knew you were capable, just like your mother, but had he not received your letter when he did, he might well have worried about the dragon. As it so happened, he needn't fret, you were fine and now traveling with a barbarian prince... go figure. Yudai wondered what on earth you were doing on Meiji Island of all places and couldn't wait to hear the stories you had to tell him when you returned home.

But then came your second letter and his concern began to grow again; it arrived with a similar one for Midoriya's mother. The woman had brought them both to your house and they'd read them together. His and Inko's hearts slowly sinking as they reached the end of their letters. Inko's eyes filled with tears as she folded hers back up and he swallowed hard as he re-read yours.

Hey dad,

Me again. So good news first, right? I found Izuku!

He came looking for me, and we somehow managed to bump into each other in Shiketsu. I was also spotted by that pea brain Inasa, but I managed to avoid his proposal again for the time being. That guy just doesn't know when to quit!

Anyways, I thought we were going to head home then; the noble boy and the bard should have been able to make it to the capital without us after the mountains. But Izuku was given a prophesy at the All Might temple. No idea how he ended up there, but the druid told him about a war that's about to happen in the north.

We carried on to the capital to inform the King about it. It's been one heck of a trip so far. We rescued the crown prince from some bandits in the shadow woods and he thanked us by letting us stay at the castle! In the royal palace! Can you imagine!? They have hot water on tap, and so many rooms you could easily get lost. I think Izuku loved the library the most.

We went to a circus and attended a banquet! The royal tailor made me this magnificent dress for the occasion, I wish you could have seen it! I've made so many new friends, and the blacksmith's where we got my sword, upgraded my bow, it looks great!

Katsuki and I have gotten pretty close too... I maaaay have kissed him when we first got to the capital. And last night, he told me he loves me. He hasn't made me an offer yet, and I'm not entirely sure if he will. But I'm telling you this because I promised you'd be the first to know if I found someone worthy. And well, I think he might be.

I wish I could bring him home with me right now so you can meet him. I think you'll like him. But Midoriya wants to train as a knight, and I couldn't very well let him go do something like that without me. So he and I are heading to Heisha now, to the training barracks there. And Katsuki is heading back to Kazan Island, he's going to go gather the barbarian's and the dragons to help fight in the war.

So yeah, the bad news... I'm not going to be coming home any time soon. I'm sorry! I miss you so much! I hope the war doesn't reach Inaka, but be on the lookout, and keep everyone safe for me!

I love you! Be safe!


He kept your letter in his breast pocket and read it over and over. It sounded like you were having quiet the little adventure and he was glad of that. But naturally he was worried about you; you hadn't expressly said you were going to go fight in this upcoming war, but he could easily read between the lines to knew that 'knight training' meant you were going to join the efforts too. He just prayed you'd be safe, and not do anything stupid or reckless like he would once did at your age. You were his everything now, and he couldn't imagine what he'd do if he ever lost you too. He thought about your mother, he knew she'd have done exactly the same, determined to do what she could for those around her.

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