Chapter 32: A girl in trouble

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By dusk the carriage of new recruits rolled into Kamino and everyone dismounted at a place called Froppy Inn. You slid stiffly off your horse and tied him up with the others at a trough out front. You took the saddle off his back and gave him a quick brush and a bag of grain, also treating him to a carrot for a good day's riding.

There were ten of you traveling in total and this inn, though the largest in town, only had 4 rooms available. So, the boys all had to cram in together while you and Ochako had a room to yourselves. Your mind wandered back to Shiketsu where Katsuki had kicked up a fuss about you being in the same room as the mage and chuckled. He hadn't been hostile to her once in the capital; you hoped he was warming up to your new friend despite his distaste of her choice in profession.

The inn keeper, a pleasant frog lady called Tsuyu Asui kindly offered to wash your clothes and prepared a bath in your room which you took turns to bathe in. Glad to soak your aching body in the warm water you both took a moment to relax and freshen up before joining the boys for dinner.

Asui brought a large ceramic serving bowl to the table, filled to the brim with steaming hot stew and returned a moment later with a few loaves of bread to share amongst yourselves, which you all happily dug into. Conversation around the table this evening was mediocre, mostly just people getting to know one another and talk of the training camp you were heading to. You weren't particularly interested in the mindless chit chat, so your attention waned, and you found yourself staring off into the room, watching absentmindedly as the inn keeper went about her business, serving customers at the other tables.

At a small table in the corner next to your, sat a young man with unkempt purple hair. As Asui approached him, she asked a question that caught your ear.

"Any news of that poor little girl? Ribbit." She said putting a pint of ale down in front of him.

"Not yet. We're still trying to find where he's hiding her." Said the purple haired boy as he took the tankard and held it in both hands, staring blindly into its contents as he spoke. "We know it's got to be on his estate, but we suspect he's got a secret hideout underground somewhere, we just need to find the entrance."

"I'm really worried. Ribbit. What do you think he wants with her?" Asked the inn keeper, placing her index finger to her chin in thought.

The purple haired boy sighed tiredly and took a swig of ale; his eyes had heavy bags under them from lack of sleep and he ran a hand through his unruly hair before answering her. "We suspect he's going to sell her to a group of warlocks; apparently she's got some kind of rare magical ability and he wants to make a profit on her."

Asui looked horrified, "But she's just a child! Ribbit."

"I know Asui, don't worry, we'll find her."

"I told you to call me Tsu, and I hope you do find her Shinso, quickly before it's too late." The inn keeper walked away having been called over by another patron and you turned to address this Shinso character.

"Excuse me, sorry I couldn't help but overhear what you were talking about. What's happened to this little girl? Is there anything we can do to help?"

The purple haired boy looked at you and the rest of your companions who were still talking amongst themselves, only Midoriya had heard your conversation and stopped to listen in.

"Sorry, my name is Tsuki Ryoshi, we're all traveling to the training barracks in Heisha." You explained and the boy nodded in understanding.

"Her name is Eri, she's supposedly being cared for by this guy called Lord Chisuki, he's the noble who owns most of the land around here. But he's a nasty piece of work and not many people have seen the girl in person, we don't know who her parents are, or if she even has any. All we know is that she managed to run away from Chisuki a couple of days ago and someone saw her covered in bruises and bandages before he got hold of her again."

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