Chapter 59: The secret of the Ice Dragons

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Dabi waited until the castle was silent, he'd managed to avoid speaking directly with Shigaraki since he returned with his mother. And so far, it didn't look like the others had told him about their secret guest.

When he was sure everyone was asleep, he led her out of the room he'd been hiding her in and followed her down the labyrinth of passages. She seemed to remember the way she needed to go despite how long it had been since she had last set foot in the old castle.

Their footsteps were muffled by a thick layer of dust coating the cold stone floor, masking their movements. He had already warned her they were not alone here, and that she needed to keep quiet and remain unseen. She looked concerned but didn't ask who the others were or why she should be careful. He wasn't sure how much she knew about what was going on in the outside world seeing as she'd been kept isolated on that island with the old bat. But at least for now, she was co-operating, and he wasn't worried she might run off or try to fight him.

She had thankfully remained quiet in her room all day yesterday. He had locked the door to be safe, but that was more to make sure nobody found her rather than him expecting her to try and leave. Though he needn't have worried, Shigaraki had accompanied them on their last mission. Dabi wasn't sure why their self-appointed king had joined them personally, until he explained exactly what it was they were doing.


"It's about time I finished preparing my army, don't you think?" He said as they left through the castle entrance.

Shigaraki's infiri were waiting at the gate, each had been given a weapon that Twice had been magically replicating over the last couple of days. Considering how long some of these sentinels had been walking corpses, Dabi was surprised they hadn't yet started decaying. He assumed it must have something to do with the spell they were under.

"Kurogiri, take us to Dekia city." Tomura ordered the demon as his black cape rippled in the snow scattered wind.

The spectral being opened a portal and they all stepped through after their leader, emerging on the other side in the middle of the muddy main road. A few passersby stopped to stare at the group as they appeared amongst the people in the streets. At first curiosity crossed their faces, until the infiri soldiers began pouring out of the purple mist behind them, then those curious looks turned to ones of horror and panic ensued.

"Kill them. Kill them all. Every, last, one of them. I don't want anyone left breathing in this city!" Shigaraki shouted over the screaming people as they fled from the group in terror.

Dabi's job had been to force the citizens into the streets by setting fire to all the buildings. The smell of smoke and burning flesh filled the air as those who would rather burn to death than meet their end at the hands of Shigaraki's corpse army barricaded themselves inside. He was used to the smell of burning flesh by now and he carried out his orders unphased. He didn't care what happened to everyone else, as long as he could get to Endeavour, he would sacrifice every man, woman and child in the country.

The slaughter of Deika had taken all day. Shigaraki stood in the city square as the fresh corpses were brought to him. He reanimated all of them. The effort it took him was clear. He was fatigued and at some point, his blue hair had begun turning white. By the time the sun had set, the city was silent once again except for the subtle crackling noise of remaining fires throughout the streets.

Shigaraki finished bringing the last corpse back to life and ordered the infiri to assemble at the southern border of the city, ready to march the following day.

After that he had collapsed, and Mr. Compress carried him back through the portal to the castle to rest.


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