Chapter 2: To the Mountains

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Image: Inaka Village

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Image: Inaka Village

The next morning as the sun peaked over the misty horizon, you packed a bag of general traveling supplies and a spare set of clothes. Knowing it was still cold outside, you packed your winter jacket for the cold nights and donned a thick woolen cloak over your usualhunting gear. You also stocked your quiver full of arrows and sharpened your sword and skinning dagger, which you slotted securely in your fur-lined boot before heading downstairs.

Your father was awake early too, preparing to head out for his usual morning hunt. He was sat at the dinner table with one foot propped up on the edge of a chair as he stowed his own blade in his boot just as you had.

When he stood up, he held out a bag of coins to you. "Make sure you eat well and stay at inns where you can."

"I will," you promised, putting the coin purse in your bag, "besides, I'm sure Goldie Locks over there will insist on sleeping in comfort wherever possible anyway." You indicated Aoyama's sleeping form.

Your guests were still fast asleep, sprawled out on the floor. Kaminari was spread eagle on his back, mouth wide open, with drool leaking down the side of his face, and Aoyama looked even more like a child; he was curled up in a tight ball hugging the corner of his blanket while sucking his thumb.

You and your father looked at them both for a moment, as you considered waking them up gently... but where was the fun in that? Instead, you smirked at your dad, putting your fingers in your mouth, and took a deep breath. Your father smirked back, instinctively covering his ears as you blew an ear-splitting whistle into the room.

Aoyama's eyes shot open as he spat out his thumb and shrieked like a banshee, throwing the blanket high in the air over his head, while Kaminari yelped and jumped about a foot off the floor. Your father laughed out loud, and you snickered lightly before resuming your serious face and told them to get up and get ready.

After getting over the initial shock of your rude awakening, Aoyama sat up and yawned; he groaned as he stretched his stiff limbs, not being accustomed to sleeping on such a hard surface, and got gingerly to his feet. Meanwhile, Kaminari who was still very much half asleep, closed his eyes again and rolled over which earned him a boot to the ribs.

"Oh no you don't. Get up. We're setting off in 20 minutes." You kicked him lightly once more to ensure he wasnt going to drift off again and waited as he stirred to life, grumbling as he rubbed his side.

Your father slung his bow over his shoulder and opened the door ready to head out. "See you in a few days kiddo, be sure to send a letter from the Capital when you get there. Oh, and try not to break every young man's heart along the way." He smirked and winked as you rolled your eyes again.

"Sure thing, dad." You snarked back, following him to the door to see him off. "Have a good hunt, and make sure you eat some of Inko's cooking! I don't want to come back and find out you've gotten gout while I'm away!" You shouted after him as he waved his hand dismissively in the air over his head.

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