Chapter 15: The Trouble With Magic

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A brisk knock on the door woke you the next day. Bakugo had turned in the night and had his face pressed firmly into the pillow, he grumbled when the knocking persisted. You chuckled and climbed out of the bed to see who it was.

The attendant from the night before was returning your clothes; you thanked them, then had an idea. Before they left again you asked if you could borrow a quill, ink and some writing paper. They nodded and left again, you shut the door quietly behind them and unfolded your freshly laundered clothes.

While Bakugo was still asleep you changed into your now clean hunter's clothes. A white shirt under a dark green waistcoat with matching breeches. Although it was still warm on this small island, the temperature was nowhere near as unbearable as it was on Kazan Island, so you packed up the delicate barbarian garments and cape. However, you kept the gold bracer out, fastening it back to your right forearm before covering it up with the sleeve of your shirt. You were so accustomed to wearing it now, you felt bare without it.

A second knock at the door announced the return of the attendant as you were taming the rat's nest that was your hair. Hurriedly tying it back into your usual long braid, you finished up quickly and opened the door to receive the items you had requested as well as a tray of breakfast.

Bakugo was starting to stir now the clattering crockery and the smell of fresh baked bread was filling the room. He looked over to see you dressed and already eating some of the food you'd been brought and helping himself to a fist full of bacon before scooping scrambled eggs onto a slice of bread and stuffing it in his mouth. You tried not to laugh at how unrefined he was first thing in a morning. This was the first time you had seen him wake up properly, not counting when he caught you looking at him, and you thought it was adorable how he mumbled sleepily with puffed out cheeks, as he ate his breakfast with eyes still half closed.

When the tray was emptied, he nodded at you pointedly to turn around while he changed, so you did and set to the task of writing a letter to your father.

Hey dad,

So, things didn't quite go according to plan... We reached the mountain pass fine, but due to a miss-understanding, I ended up being kidnapped by a barbarian riding a dragon. Don't worry! I'm fine! He thought he was rescuing me. Long story, tell you all about it later.

Anyway, I'm currently on Meiji Island with the barbarian, his name is Katsuki Bakugo, he's the prince of his tribe and the commander of the dragon rider army, if you can believe that! He's a good man if a little hot headed, but he's taking good care of me, and I'm keeping him out of trouble.

We're making our way back to the mainland now to try and find Izuku who is no doubt in a panic. Hopefully, he and the others made it to the capital okay. I'm sure if they have, he's  already sent you a raven. But it's okay, I'll find him and let him know I'm safe.

I have no idea how long it'll take to get home. But know that I love you, and I miss you. Look after yourself!


You rolled the letter up and sealed it with some wax you found in the desk draw then packed it  up with the rest of your things ready to leave before stepping out into the hall. 

The two of you stood idly for a moment outside the door to your borrowed room. With your hosts from the night before gone, and no idea where to begin looking for them, you were a bit uncertain as to what to do next. Ururaka had said she would help you get back to the mainland, but you didn't know which room was hers or if she and the other students were already up and in class. Deciding to head back to the main entrance where all the statues were, you motioned to Bakugo and made your way along the corridor, but before you reached the end you heard a familiar voice.

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