Chapter 62: A game of chess

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Enji Todoroki was storming back and forth, stepping blindly on the remnants of the map table he had destroyed in his temper. He rarely lost his cool these days, but the news Hawks had just brought him was more than he could take.

He thought she'd be safe with the mage. He thought he'd kept her hidden well. How could he have been so stupid? He should have just locked her up in the castle, but he had been rash as usual, and when the old mage suggested she take his wife, he agreed, sending her as far away from his children as possible. He thought it would be best to separate her from Shoto, to avoid another incident like the one before. Maybe he was wrong.

The guilt of sending his wife away was heavy enough on his shoulders, but now she had been taken by the enemy and it was all his fault. He'd abandoned the only person who had ever loved him and left her unprotected... He would never forgive himself if anything happened to her. He wanted nothing more than to find her himself and rescue her once again. But he had a kingdom to defend now, as much as it pained him, he would have to abandon her a second time.

"Your majesty?"

"What?" He barked without stopping in his pacing.

"There's another messenger from the Assassins." Lieutenant Burnin informed him.

He sighed and stopped his pacing to storm out of the tent. He was sure he was only about to receive more bad news, but such was war. Hawks followed after him.

Waiting outside the tent was a young birdman with a raven head. He bowed to the king who was already growing impatient.

"Speak already, what is it now?"

"Your majesty, the evacuation of Kamino was successful, however we could not defend the city from the numbers possessed by the enemy."

He suspected this would be the case, he guessed it couldn't be helped. They simply hadn't been prepared for a war so soon. Wars between different nations were easy to predict, they took months to prepare, and each side tended to use tried and tested strategies, making it easy to predict their movements. This warlock king however, came out of the shadows without warning. He had no armies that they were aware of, and he'd made his moves so discreetly they would have been completely caught off guard if not for the warning brought to him by those teenagers.

"The assassins will escort the people safely to the capital and hope that the enemy continues its path north. The dragon riders will hold them off as long as possible then withdraw and regroup."

"I see. Hawks, I need you to go back to Heisha. I will write a message to Shoto. Make sure he reads it."

"With all due respect sir, I think I'd be of more use here, you need a fast flier to scout ahead for the enemy's arrival."

"Please your majesty. If it is a message you need delivered, allow me. I also need to relay another message to someone at the training camp. It would be an honor to be of assistance."

Enji looked between Hawks and this Raven boy. It is true he could really use Hawks here, he was a very capable fighter, and fast. But he didn't like the idea of his son and heir being left unprotected, especially if he was to embark on the mission he was about to request of him.

Hawks seemed to read his thoughts. "Your majesty, if I may. I've been watching the young prince carefully for some time now. He is working hard to become your successor, albeit in his own way. He's stronger than you give him credit for, and he is not alone; he has amassed a handful of very capable individuals for friends. He'll be fine without me."

The king studied Hawk's face, the man was always so jovial and laid back, but now his expression was serious. He truly believed in the prince. His son had grown up so much in such a short amount of time and he'd missed it. He was unworthy to call himself a father.

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