Chapter 48: Revenge and Resolve

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The inn the trainees were staying at was nothing special; the bar keep was an elderly woman much to Kaminari and Mineta's dismay, but there were enough rooms for everyone to have a bed each at least and it was clean enough. Kaminari shared a room with Aoyama and Koda, Sato with Mineta who wined he couldn't share a room with someone else, his eyes drifting to Ururaka as he voiced this. Ochako had a room to herself being the only girl and Midoriya insisted she keep her door locked as he side-eyed Mineta mistrustfully. That left the prince, Midoriya and Ida to share the largest room.

Izuku was more than a little surprised that that prince was content to share a room with him and the knight again. He could easily afford to rent an entire mansion in the city but instead he chose to stay with the rest of them as equals.

He thought about what happened between you and the prince back at the palace and he wondered if Todoroki had taken your words to heart. He seemed even more humbled than before and was genuinely trying to make an effort with everyone in the group. He talked to most of them and got to know them as individuals, although his social skills were still fairly lacking, Midoriya liked to think he was trying to change for the better.

Ida didn't return from the local army station where his brother was being cared for until dinner. Midoriya saved him a helping of the rabbit pie they'd had but the knight told him he wasn't hungry. Ida took up a chair at the end of the table and remained silent as everyone else ate. He tried asking if he was okay, but he simply nodded and said he was fine. Izuku, however was sure this wasn't true, the blank look on the knight's face seemed forced but if he didn't want to talk about it what else could he do to help?

Ida stood up straight after dinner and went upstairs, stating in an oddly lifeless voice that he was tired from travelling and needed to sleep. Todoroki followed him up shortly after and Midoriya insisted they all get an early night before joining them. Everyone agreed and headed to bed.

When Midoriya entered their room, it looked as though Ida had already fallen asleep. He was under the covers with his back to the room. Midoriya felt bad, he considered Ida a friend already but didn't know how to help him. He stood watching the knight's shoulders slowly rise and fall as the prince took off his boots and also climbed quietly under the simple cotton sheets.

At a loss as to what else he could do, Izuku also removed his boots and settled into the remaining bed in the room. He closed his eyes, his body was aching from his earlier attempts at holding the Gods power, but his thoughts were too distracting to fall asleep. After Todoroki had returned from the men they had spotted in the field, he had told the group about the killer Stain and the death count that the villain had already racked up.

He knew they needed to get to the army's camp in Heisha quickly and begin training for the warlock war, but he wished there was something they could do to help these people first. But with no information on the monster plaguing this city, he wasn't sure there was much they could do. Hosu was a large place, and the villain could be hiding anywhere. He suddenly felt helpless again, as he had when you had first been taken by the dragon. What good was this power of his if he couldn't use it to save people?

An uneasy feeling was settling in his stomach when he heard movement in the room. He kept his eyes closed and listened as someone shuffled around and opened the door. The unmistakable clink of armor told him it was Ida leaving the room. When the door closed with a soft click, he opened his eyes and sat up. He looked over at Todoroki to see if he was awake too and saw the heterochromatic eyes of the crown prince staring at him through the darkness. Shoto nodded and also sat up, the pair began putting on their boots, in silent agreement to follow the knight.

Swords at their hips and their heads hidden beneath hooded cloaks, Midoriya and prince Todoroki hurried out of the inn and quickly caught up with the bespectacled soldier. Ida was walking quickly up the main streets of the city centre, checking every alleyway he passed. He seemed to be looking for something, or someone.

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