Chapter 86: Light

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Izuku was getting frustrated, which didn't happen all too often; fighting a powerful enemy like this was stressful enough without the barbarian getting in the way. And Bakugo was very much in the way. He kept blasting himself towards All for One, attempting to get close enough to stab the god with your sword. But every time he did, he hindered Izuku's attacks, and he'd have to quickly change direction or lower the intensity of his strikes so as not to hurt Kacchan instead.

Thanks to Danger Sense, Midoriya was much better able to avoid being hit by All for One's crazy powerful punches, and he also managed to make sure Bakugo didn't get hit by the rib crushing blows either, much to the barbarian's annoyance. He got the feeling that Kacchan thought he was deliberately pushing him out of the way so he could win the fight on his own, but that wasn't his intension at all. He was just trying to save him from the attacks he could see coming from their opponent.

"Kacchan look out!"

"Get out of my way you damn nerd! How am I supposed to kill this bastard if you keep crashing into me?!" Bakugo was clearly agitated too, but he wasn't really focusing on Midoriya enough to realise what he was doing each time he pushed him left or right, his eyes remained locked on All for One even when Izuku not so gently nudged him out of the line of fire before another powerful hit could land from the god.

If only they could get rid of Kurogiri, this would be so much easier.

He tried using some of his new abilities to incapacitate the demon; but nothing he had really worked. Danger Sense was for defence only, and Float only helped him move around better; Fa Jin increased his speed and attack power, but that had little effect on the spectre who had no physical form. Even blackwhip passed straight threw him. However, after seeing how affected the demon was by Bakugo's explosions, he was sure the second user's power would work against the shadow. The only problem was that he was saving that up for All for One. He knew that was the magic he was going to need to defeat the dark god, but he would have to muster all of its might for it to finish him.

The fight between the four of them was dragging out longer than he had intended; Bakugo was already tired from battling you, and Izuku hadn't fully recovered after his previous bout with All for One. Even after Ochako had helped him recover, he was still sapped of a lot of energy and his barely healed ribs were aching as he moved.

Also, he still wasn't able to hold enough stored energy using Fa Jin for attacks as strong as All Might's, so instead he was using up his stamina by aiming the strikes he was able to control at their opponent as quickly as possible so as not to leave All for One an opening to retaliate.

He had come to terms with the fact his body wasn't ready for 100% of One for All's power, probably not even 20%. But, even if he threw cation to the wind and destroyed his arm with one giant smash at full strength, he knew it wouldn't be enough to bring the dark god down. He had seen All Might try that already and besides, he couldn't let off an ultimate move like that with Kacchan in the line of fire.

Midoriya was trying his best to get in close to Shigaraki to use the second's power instead, he knew what he had to do to defeat the god of darkness; the only problem was, it would take time, and he had to be touching the warlock king in order to do it. But with Kurogiri's portals manifesting everywhere that was proving difficult to achieve. The only time he was able to get even remotely close enough, was when Bakugo blasted the demon and distracted him for a moment, but whenever he did that and Izuku went in for the final blow, Kacchan was right back in the thick of things as if he had to be part of the action which only landed them back at square one again.

"Kacchan! I have to get in close to him! You have to stop Kurogiri from getting in the way!" He tried to plead with the barbarian, but Bakugo was too stubborn and headstrong. He just wasn't listening to reason.

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