Chapter 28: Dinner, Dancing and Drama

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Image: Banquet Hall

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Image: Banquet Hall

You stared down at the tableware in front of you, puzzled. Why were there so many knives and forks? And four different glasses?!

The princess chuckled at the frown on your face, "It can be a bit daunting at your first formal dinner, can't it?"

She smiled, "All you need remember, is to work from the outside inward with each course. This is the water glass, this one is for red wine, or this if you prefer white, and this little one is for after dinner digestifs such as brandy or port." She pointed at each glass in turn.

You knew what wine was, but you'd never heard of brandy and port, you assumed they were alcohol though; every drink you'd ever been offered at a celebration seemed to be intended to get the drinker inebriated. Thinking back, you had had a great time dancing with Mina after drinking the barbarian wine, so you supposed it did have the desired effect, but was it really worth the hangover the next day?

Midoriya, Kirishima and Ochako were listening intently too, taking in the banquet etiquette lesson. Princess Fuyumi continued to explain what the different knives and forks were for; one for butter, one for fish and different shaped spoons for soup or desert. You think you understood, but Kirishima was still scratching his head, slightly confused when the first course arrived.

You noticed however, that Bakugo had no trouble picking up the correct implement for each course. Considering your experience at the barbarian dinner, where everyone ate with their hands, this revelation intrigued you. Your eyes met briefly, and you realized you'd been staring at him. He smirked and you quickly looked back down at your plate blushing again.

Why does he still make me feel like this? Butterflies swarmed in your chest every time he looked at you making you feel giddy and nervous and almost shy. It was so unlike you. You'd think by now you would have gotten over the initial awkwardness, especially since you'd already kissed him. Was it just because he was dressed different? Surely not. But he did look good in that outfit... You mentally shook yourself. Get a grip woman!

After three courses you began to feel full, and your dress started to get tight, but the food kept coming. Just how much more were they going to serve? You'd already had soup, pate, and a fish dish. This one dinner could have fed your whole village for a week! When the fourth course came, which was roast venison with potatoes, you had one bite just to try it, it was delicious, but you simply couldn't eat any more. After that, you began pushing the food around on your plate.

You hadn't had any of the alcohol either, you tried a sip of both the red and the white wine, but the white was too acidic, and the red was bitter in comparison to the barbarian wine you'd had before. It wasn't to your liking, so you didn't even attempt the brandy, a rich amber liquid, which was offered to you when the last desert course was finally taken away.

Everyone else apart from Bakugo seemed to have had at least a couple of glasses though. Ida was red faced and rambling to Princess Fuyumi about his brother stationed in the north. Midoriya was swaying and had started hiccupping, so you pushed his glass away from his hand as he went to pick it up again. He looked down at his hand confused as it grasped around thin air, then looked up and saw your stern expression. He put his hands in his lap, looking a little guilty and nodded, silently agreeing that he'd probably had enough.

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