Prologue: Snow Moon

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Image: Beast's Forest in winter (edge of Inaka Village)

Yudai shivered as he trudged through the heavy snow on the forest floor. The sun had long since set on this cold winter's day and the February full moon was already high in the darkened sky. He was late getting home today because he hadn't wanted to come back empty handed; he stayed out hunting as long as possible, but when the light of day faded, he had to admit defeat and return with only a single hare for supper.

Spring couldn't come soon enough he thought, tilting back his head to stare at the star strewn sky. Although he loved spending his days out hunting in the forest, doing so in the cold was not something he particularly enjoyed, and besides, there was something he loved far more waiting for him back home.

He smiled as his thoughts drifted to his wife, no doubt she would be sat keeping warm by the crackling fire, nestled in her favorite rocking chair stroking her growing belly as she sung lullabies to their unborn child. This was the thought that gave him a sudden boost of energy to help him hurry back home just that little bit faster.

As he approached their cottage at the very edge of the village however, that smile fell from his lips and the warmth that he felt in his chest was swiftly replaced by the sickening sensation of dread. There were no lights on in the windows and there was no smoke coming from the chimney. He dropped the hare and his bow and broke into a sprint. Running to the door, he flung it open to find his beloved wife laying on the floor of their small living room bathed in a pool of her own blood. She was curled on her side holding a bundle of her favorite patchwork blanket, the one she always had draped over her lap, inside it Yudai could see the tiny head of a sleeping baby as she clutched it to her chest.

"Yua..." He said in barely more than a whisper as he fell to his knees by her side, tears beginning to silently fall down his cheeks. Yua slowly opened her eyes at the sound of her husband's voice and smiled weakly up at him. She lifted a pale shaking hand to his face to wipe away a falling tear as he moved in close to her, "I'm sorry my love, it looks like you'll have to raise our daughter without me" she said with a small smile.

Yudai placed his hand over his wife's fingers. They were already ice cold. "Daughter?" he said trying to smile for her even though his heart was breaking more and more with each passing second. "What shall we call her?"

He gently took his wife's hand in his and kissed her frozen knuckles as she smiled at him with heavy eyes, the sparkle in them had already begun to fade. With one last shaky breath, she said "Tsuki, Tsuki Ryoshi."

He smiled softly at her, blinking the tears out of his eyes. "Moon Hunter, huh?" he chuckled lightly. He leaned forward and kissed her forehead gently, but when he pulled away again, she was gone; her once vibrant eyes were now dull and lifeless, staring blankly at the ceiling over his shoulder.

He took the child from her arms and began to cradle her, tears now flowing freely down his face. "Tsuki Ryoshi it is then." He said looking down at the tiny girl in his arms, his chest shook as he tried to hold back the sobs that came with the flood of tears and the jarring motion woke the sleeping infant. You opened your big blue eyes, the exact same colour as your mother's, and gazed expectantly at him. Yudai broke down, collapsing in on himself, and howled in anguish.


It was your 7th birthday. You had your eyes closed as you waited for your father to hand you your present; you were bouncing impatiently on the balls of your feet trying not to grin as he placed it in your outstretched hands. You knew exactly what it was, you'd been sneaking peaks as he worked on it every night when he came home. He'd spent the last full week making it for you, quietly carving away when you were supposed to be asleep and last night he finished it, even giving it a lick of polish making you giggle which almost got you caught.

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