Author's Note

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Hi Everyone!

My apologies for the mass re-upload of all the chapters so far. Rest assured if you've already read this far before my "editing spree" you're not missing anything new. 

I've just reworded a bit here and there and corrected a few spelling and grammar errors etc. Hopefully the whole thing flows better and is easier to read now.

I did also add a couple of additional internal "thoughts" here and there in some of the earlier chapters to give you a better feel for what's going on inside Tsuki and Bakugo's heads, but nothing has changed plot wise, so please don't feel like you have to go back and re-read it all (unless you want to) :-)

The reason I did this now, rather than waiting till the end of the book, is because I had to re-read the story myself in order to get my head back in the game to finish it. I finally seem to have gotten over my writers block for the ending of this story and have a clear map of what I need to write for it now. So all systems are go again!

As for my other story, Being Human, I'm super sorry to say that is now taking a back seat while I finish this one. But I promise that story is FAR from over. I'd say if chapters 1-29 are "book1" and "book 2" is looking likely to be chapters 30-59, there is still another "book" to come after that. so that'll probably be a 90ish chapter story all together too. But who knows, that could just keep going as well. :-D

As for how long this story is going to be... I know in one of my previous notes I estimated roughly 80-85 chapters total, but yeah... that was way too optimistic. It's currently looking like it's going to be more along the lines of 100 chapters. ':-) So I hope your excited. lol.

Anyways, back to the story! Please don't forget to vote and leave me lots of nice comments!

Author-chan out!

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