Author's note

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Hello my lovely readers! 

I hope you're enjoying this story. It's been so much fun to write. I'm putting in a note here to let you all know that I'm about to start writing the war arc of the story. I can't promise it'll be as good as The Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit, I'm certainly no JRR Tolkien. lol

Anyway, the point is, I'm on chapter 65 of writing now and I'm guestimating the whole story will be finished in about 80/85ish chapters. HOWEVER....

I've been thinking of writing a spin off, either about Tsuki's parents past and how they met, or about the previous war where Endeavour rescues Rei. These probably won't be as long as this one, but you never know once I get writing...

So please let me know which you would rather read. 

Into the night - Yudai and Yua's love story


A tale of Fire and Ice - The downfall of the ice dragons

I may even write both, but I'll start with which ever gets the most votes, so please leave a comment against whichever one you want to read the most.

And as always, please leave me comments with your thoughts and any suggestions and don't forget to vote! <3

The Great Warlock War - Bakugo x OC FemreaderWhere stories live. Discover now